We’ve talked a lot about connection during our Spirituality in Healing series. Well, you’re not just talking about connecting – you’re doing it. More than 10,905 practitioners tuned in to the 2012 Spirituality in Healing webinar series. That’s a remarkable number. And those practitioners joined us from 75 different countries. That’s a record. You’re making […]
Body, Mind, and Spirit: Good Practice, and Good Science
Psychoneuroimmunology and spiritual healing . . . I think they share common ground. For psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) researchers, it’s important to work with the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – and not just a single biological system. Here’s some research that shows the connection between PNI and spiritual health. Ruth Tanyi, DrPH and her […]
The Courage of Surrender
Sometimes, it feels like we’re fighting for control in our lives. Maybe we’re afraid to surrender. Caroline Myss, PhD thinks it’s time to be brave. In this video, Caroline reveals the miraculous power of surrender. You might find yourself changing your approach to some of the most important things in your life. It’s only 3 […]
Spirituality in Practice – Why Training Matters
Spiritual healing – we know our patients need it . . . and we want to give it to them. But it can be tough to combine spirituality and practice. If you haven’t talked with your patients about spiritual health before, how do you begin? A pair of researchers in Norway held focus groups with […]
An Energy-Boosting Spiritual Lesson
What if patients had a “do-it-yourself” method for developing spiritually that could also help manage chronic disease? It sounds like a good idea, but how realistic is it? Jeanne McCauley, MD and her research team from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have found a cost-effective way for older adults suffering from chronic diseases to […]