Brain science is constantly changing and discovering new, exciting ideas . . . . . . but one thing that seems to keep popping up is how great exercise is for your body, and for your brain. Last week, I told you about a study that focused on the effect that physical activity can have […]
Simple and Effective Ways to Build a Happier Brain
Remember what it was like when you first learned to drive a car, or ride a bike? In our webinar with Rick Hanson, PhD, we got into ways to recreate that beginner’s mind, and use old experiences to create the same sort of brain change that new experiences can. But that’s just one of the […]
Recharge Your Brain with a Good Night’s Sleep
A late night at work, too many things on the to-do list, or maybe you were startled awake by a nightmare . . . . . . most of us have experienced lack of sleep at some point in our lives (and for some, it can feel more like the norm than the exception). But, […]
Making the Most Out of Brain Science: Strengthening the Brain with the Help of Community
A lot of interesting things were discussed with Daniel Amen, MD on the webinar last night. Including the differences between the male and female brain, how balancing your hormones can strengthen your nervous system, and why some anxiety may actually be good for your brain. There were 8,774 viewers and it was exciting to see […]
Building the Brain – Can Exercise Help?
As we get older, we tend to place a higher and higher premium on getting healthy, staying energized, and feeling youthful . . . . . . and one effective way to do that is through regular exercise. So if that’s the impact a workout routine can have on your body as you age, what […]