Psychoneuroimmunology and spiritual healing . . . I think they share common ground. For psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) researchers, it’s important to work with the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – and not just a single biological system. Here’s some research that shows the connection between PNI and spiritual health. Ruth Tanyi, DrPH and her […]
The Courage of Surrender
Sometimes, it feels like we’re fighting for control in our lives. Maybe we’re afraid to surrender. Caroline Myss, PhD thinks it’s time to be brave. In this video, Caroline reveals the miraculous power of surrender. You might find yourself changing your approach to some of the most important things in your life. It’s only 3 […]
Ram Dass – Responding to Challenge with Grace
Disease and aging are natural parts of life. We can’t keep our patients free from illness or forever young. But we can help them respond to challenging life events with grace. When Ram Dass, PhD, experienced a life-changing stroke, he focused on the grace his experience brought him. He found kindness from strangers, and used […]
Can Spirituality and Medication Work Together?
I never would have imagined that medication and spirituality had anything in common. But a study out of Rush University Medical Center led by chaplain and assistant professor Patricia Murphy, PhD brings new findings that suggest spirituality can act synergistically with medication to produce better patient outcomes. For instance, spirituality may be a key factor […]
Releasing Negativity – Why It’s Essential for Healing
We know that grief can affect our emotional health – but did you know that it may also have profound physical effects? A recent study led by Murray Mittleman, MD, at the Harvard School of Public Health found that the risk of heart attack may increase dramatically after the loss of a loved one. The […]