In his holiday classic, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens tells a moving story of transformation. As the spirits of Past, Present, and Future visit the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge throughout the course of Christmas Eve, we see him learn to embrace a sense of compassion and generosity. After his experience, Scrooge says: I will honor Christmas […]
Spirituality in Healing: A Worldwide Connection
We’ve talked a lot about connection during our Spirituality in Healing series. Well, you’re not just talking about connecting – you’re doing it. More than 10,905 practitioners tuned in to the 2012 Spirituality in Healing webinar series. That’s a remarkable number. And those practitioners joined us from 75 different countries. That’s a record. You’re making […]
Body, Mind, and Spirit: Good Practice, and Good Science
Psychoneuroimmunology and spiritual healing . . . I think they share common ground. For psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) researchers, it’s important to work with the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – and not just a single biological system. Here’s some research that shows the connection between PNI and spiritual health. Ruth Tanyi, DrPH and her […]
The Courage of Surrender
Sometimes, it feels like we’re fighting for control in our lives. Maybe we’re afraid to surrender. Caroline Myss, PhD thinks it’s time to be brave. In this video, Caroline reveals the miraculous power of surrender. You might find yourself changing your approach to some of the most important things in your life. It’s only 3 […]
Does Spirituality Belong in Therapy?
Some therapists are hesitant to include spirituality in their practice. But if it can calm worries and lower stress, wouldn’t we want to integrate it into practice? Psychologist David Rosmarin, PhD headed up a research team at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital to study how spirituality and belief impact worry and doubt. They conducted two studies I […]