Working through trauma can trigger many perceived threats for our clients. They might start to breath rapidly and find it hard to hold still, or perhaps they start to freeze up during the session. So what are some practical ways to calm the nervous system and keep a client grounded – especially when they begin […]
When a Client Is Stuck in the Freeze Response
What triggers the freeze response? We tend to think of traumatic events, but according to Peter Levine, PhD, that’s not always the case. Even a perceived threat can be enough for a client to get stuck in a frozen state. So how can we help clients who are stuck in the freeze response to move […]
Two Compassion-Based Ways to Help Your Client Overcome Shame
Without a doubt, the compassion we offer our clients is often a key part of their healing. But how do we help our clients build compassion toward themselves . . . . . especially when they feel frozen and unable to act, cut off from themselves and those they care about? When their ability to […]
One Key Insight That Can Help Clients Undo Years of Blame and Shame
As practitioners, we’re well-acquainted with the fight, flight, freeze response – that automatic response that evolved to protect us from external threats or danger. But what happens when the threat is internal? When the threat is painful emotions or distress? Our response can still be automatic, and for many clients it can often be to […]