When a client hits a roadblock in therapy, it’s sometimes because they’re actively trying to avoid stirring up (or even talking about) painful memories or emotions. Now of course, it’s understandable why most clients skirt around painful topics to some extent . . . . . . but as we know, it can also become […]
Working with Emotional Distress – with Janina Fisher, PhD
When it comes to treating trauma, we’re often working with clients who have a low tolerance for distress. And when faced with traumatic memories or difficult emotions, they may respond by slipping into a state of hypoarousal to defend against the pain. So in the video below, Janina Fisher, PhD shares how she helps hypoaroused […]
How to Help a Client Come Back from Freezing in a Session
Working through trauma can trigger many perceived threats for our clients. They might start to breath rapidly and find it hard to hold still, or perhaps they start to freeze up during the session. So what are some practical ways to calm the nervous system and keep a client grounded – especially when they begin […]
When a Client Is Stuck in the Freeze Response
What triggers the freeze response? We tend to think of traumatic events, but according to Peter Levine, PhD, that’s not always the case. Even a perceived threat can be enough for a client to get stuck in a frozen state. So how can we help clients who are stuck in the freeze response to move […]
Reporting in on the COVID-19 donations . . .
A couple months back, I promised to give away 100% of what we took in from the Working with Fear program . . . . . . and send it all to organizations responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Now it’s time to report in on where the money went. But first, a little behind the […]