People constantly compare themselves against messages they receive from friends, family, media, and our culture. And those messages often contribute to feelings of “never good enough”: Not attractive enough. Not intelligent enough. Not thin enough. Not successful enough. For many of our clients, they’ve encountered these types of messages from a very young age, and […]
What’s Underneath a Client’s Anger?
When a client erupts in anger, what’s really going on? While anger is a normal and sometimes necessary emotion, it can escalate all too quickly once triggered. And that can lead to devastating choices and consequences. In the video below, ten experts share their perspectives on what drives anger, and how they approach it. Take […]
Guilt vs. Shame [Infographic]
What are the differences between guilt and shame? And how could it help our clients to have a better understanding of those differences? We thought it could be useful for you to have a side-by-side comparison of these powerful emotions that you could share with your clients. Because understanding these differences could help our clients […]
Working with the Body to Release Anxiety
When anxiety strikes, it not only consumes the mind . . . . . . it can take hold in the body as well. And chronic anxiety can contribute to a wealth of physiological problems, including chronic pain, fatigue, and insomnia – just to name a few. Below, you’ll see how Pat Ogden, PhD worked […]
Helping Trauma Patients Shed Feelings of Shame
For someone who’s experienced trauma, feelings of shame often remain long after the painful event. So how can practitioners help clients begin to reclaim a sense of self-worth? Kerstin Jung, PhD and Regina Steil, PsyD, at Goethe University Frankfurt, in Frankfurt, Germany, wanted to find out whether Cognitive Restructuring and Imagery Modification (CRIM) could empower […]