The other day, we shared a video of a practitioner who introduced mindfulness to female prisoners (if you missed it, you can check it out here). We received a lot of thoughtful comments, and found out that even among our readers, there are practitioners introducing mindfulness in prisons. Since so many people were interested, we […]
Mindfulness Meditation – Celebrating an Incredible Journey
Live in the present moment. Pay attention. It’s such a simple principle . . . . . . and yet, over the last eight weeks, we’ve watched it flourish in unexpected ways. We’ve seen how mindfulness can pierce the “trance of unworthiness” to create self-acceptance. We shrank it down to a three-minute exercise . . […]
The Benefits of Mindfulness – How Mindfulness Can Help Prevent the Relapse of Depression
The dread of relapse is one of the most insidious things associated with major depression. If you’ve ever been depressed, you know it’s a place you don’t ever want to go to again. Yet people are often on pins and needles, worrying and waiting for the anchor of depression to come back. But it doesn’t […]
A Better Night’s Sleep with Mindfulness
The problem with anti-depressants is that they often don’t work. Though many try, it’s hard to treat depression with antidepressants alone. Treatment may go on for years, and the side effects, like fatigue, anxiety, loss of libido, and sleep disruption, can be frustrating. Dr. Willoughby Britton at Brown University Medical School and her colleagues at […]
Mindfulness Technology for the 21st Century: Have You Tried These Apps?
When I think of mindfulness, what often comes to mind is my early morning sitting practice . . . both the struggles and the benefits. My Droid smartphone and my laptop aren’t anywhere in the picture. And yet, perhaps they should be. Technology has given us computer programs and apps for just about everything, so […]