A late night at work, too many things on the to-do list, or maybe you were awakened by a nightmare . . . . . . most of us have experienced lack of sleep at some point in our lives (and for some, it can feel more like the norm than the exception). But, missing […]
A Four Step Strategy for Training Your Brain to Better Understand Your Emotions
It’s not uncommon to get a little swept up in the overwhelming feeling that often accompanies a busy schedule and an ever-growing to-do list. But often, when it comes to being productive, or even just maintaining a general sense of overall well-being, simply ignoring that feeling and pressing onward just isn’t the answer. That’s why […]
Can the Brain Change? A New Way of Looking at It
When we talk about changing the brain, exercise tends to come up over and over again. Just take a peek at my last couple of blog posts (especially this one), and you’ll see just how important keeping active can be for a strong, healthy brain. But sometimes it takes more than just talking about research […]
Expanding on Epigenetics: A Deeper Look at What Affects Our Genes
Can we influence our genes? If you joined us for this week’s webinar on epigenetics with Bruce Lipton, PhD, you might have a new perspective on how your experiences, brain, and biology all relate to gene expression. Now, this week’s focus on epigenetics related to brain science, but we have also covered it in our […]
Changing the Brain: The Impact of a Sedentary Lifestyle
We often hear about the benefits of exercise, and how it can even change your brain. But let’s take a moment to look at the flipside – how does living a sedentary lifestyle impact your brain? Researchers at Wayne University School of Medicine wanted to find out, so first, they gathered up some rats. They […]