Can we influence our genes?
If you joined us for this week’s webinar on epigenetics with Bruce Lipton, PhD, you might have a new perspective on how your experiences, brain, and biology all relate to gene expression.
Now, this week’s focus on epigenetics related to brain science, but we have also covered it in our series on the Treatment of Trauma.
And according to Joan Borysenko, PhD, we may not always be fully aware of just how far-reaching the impact of epigenetics can be.
When a person has experienced trauma, that trauma can be passed along in complex and profound ways, even to the following generations.
Here in the video below, Dr. Borysenko shares a fascinating insight into how epigenetics can affect our lives even without us realizing it.
Dr. Borysenko’s story showed us one example of how epigenetics relates to trauma. This is just one way the latest ideas and science can make an impact in our lives.
If you are interested in brain science, click here to view our courses.
How have you or your clients used brain science in relation to trauma? Please leave a comment below.
After reading articles to learn the reasons for my disastrous past actions, I discovered, both I and my wife are narcissistic sociopaths. Until then I never knew that such a disorder even existed, let alone the effects on my thought and actions. It is a shock to one to realize that you were not in the real world at age 60. You cannot hide a disorder or change from one, if you do not know that the disorder exists. I take responsibility of this mess, as I should have understood my actions and those of my wife. The thought of ruining and losing my family and friends, produces a strong desire in me to change my behaviour. The emotional and financial damage is done and cannot be corrected, as one cannot travel back in time. It keeps going through my mind, what can I do to correct the wrongs. I am like the walking dead at the thought that I have destroyed me, my family, relatives, and friends. I have lost everything; family, health, pension, processions, heirlooms, the house, car, reputation, love, and trust. Every object reminds of the damaged to others and want has been lost. I conducted research not for my gain, but for society in a highly competitive field. Education at the post high school level teaches one to be independent and very competitive. Often my thoughts and actions at home and work do not make sense now; and some are illegal, unethical, and stupid. The narcissistic sociopathic traits are from genetic factors, as I was never devoid of attention, had a happy life, and no trauma until now. My parents did experience trauma from WWII (epigenetics?), but they provided a very loving environment to their children. I will never see my loving daughter again from this mess, as she is studying in France. I viewed my daughter as a precious gift from God that I should be there for support when needed. If I had managed my affairs properly, I would a position to provide financial support to her in an ever increasingly cruel world. My daughter has obtained all “A“s except one B+ for her BA in Political Science degree. Remember, in my mind, I was conducting appropriate research and providing a home for family; not inappropriate actions and thoughts. Even if I do not go to prison or die, there is nothing to support my family and that nothing can be changed. No matter what direction or action I take, someone will get hurt. If I stay where I am, it will hurt and abuse others. If I live on the streets, it will hurt others. Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Associates have a better chance of success. I want just to correct things, erase my memory of those wronged, and then disappeared. lam in this hell and will be in another in the after life. I would not wish on my worse enemy. So how do you explain to the ones that you love that they the have no future because of a mental disorder starting in grade one that was not recognised until a year ago?
I exhibited classic behaviour traits of the disorder; such as high ergo, irrational thoughts, anger at some issues, believing I was competitive while it really was insecurity, believing that I was correct when it was wrong, poor listening skills, went from one unfinished project to another, disregard for some of the rules, poorly designed projects, destroyed property, over inflated my skills, stealing even if I did not want the object, was a hoarder, addictions to food and beverages (includes coke cola), and went from one research group to another when a project needed external skills (opportunity to myself). Through time, my negative behavioural traits varied and intensified. I also exhibited behaviour traits that were not characteristic of the disorder, such as: desire to work in teams, great empathy for family and friends, no silent treatment, no punishments, forgave others, did not want to harm people and other animals (vets were impress how pets would respond and love to me), made friends easily with minorities that historically do not trust WASPs, embraced different cultures, and I shared resources. I was never told I had a learning problem that made difficulties with spelling and grammar. Instead I was informed that I learnt to spell by sight and recognition, rather than by pronunciation. So, if I am not a narcissistic sociopath, then what am I?
If some of my friends and colleagues were in the mental health profession, then why was my disorder not detected by them? Similarly, why wife was not diagnosed when she attended for counselling to over come childhood trauma? I kept asking myself why Lord was I given a brain that was wired wrong?
Since I feel like the walking dead and a non-functional parasite to society (mentally and physically), any suggestions on what can I do? I never not allowed my wife to disconnect (she is not a possession) and now wish we never meet to avoid putting her and my daughter though this bizarre and unreal situation. Be glad that you are a survivor and not the one who is destroying and wasting the lives of those you dearly love and not feel the horror of your actions. Not all the traits and actions of a narcissistic sociopath stated in articles on the subject are true for everyone who has this lethal disorder. Not every narcissistic so a narcissistic sociopath wants to be one, especially if it destroys family and friends, and may not realize they are one. A narcissistic sociopath can be a vampire that sucks the joy and life out of themselves.
It is not sympathy or acquittal that I desire, but to provide you with insights from an unknowing narcissistic sociopath monster: the other side of the coin.
Thank you so much Patricia! I couldn’t agree with you more. I get so furstrated when our society reinforces that we’re not supposed to stick out or be different. This belief is literally killing us. It is everyone’s uniqueness that makes the world such a beautiful place.This is why I don’t believe in the concept of competition. Ten people can be selling the same thing and a group of customers will choose who they want to buy from based on how in sync they feel with the seller. We each have our own unique ways of doing things, areas we focus on. There can’t be competition if no two sellers are alike. The buying process is much more about relationship management these days, regardless of what you’re selling. With social media, it’s much easier to know much more about who we’re buying from so it’s not just about what we’re buying.If you come up with a business idea that makes your heart sing, don’t tell yourself not to do it just because someone else is already doing it. Turn your idea into reality and make friends with others doing the same thing. Work together to support each other and watch everyone’s businesses flourish. From personal experience, I know this to be true.Paige Burkes recently posted..
I think you hit a bulelsye there fellas!
I am coming up for 70 and am just dealing with compounded traumas from my childhood, it manifest itself in depression, anxiety. Have been told to ‘forget the past’ I seem to function fairly well on Paxil, but now that I am retired wanted to see if better nutrition could help. Trying EFT and soon Matrix reimprinting. Would appreciate any comments from others on this web site. Thank You!!
I have the same question for Ellen Wood re: APO-e4 gene.
Hey There. I fοund your bl g u ing msn. his is a er ell written arcitle.I will make sur to bookm rk t and return t read mor of your u eful inf .Thank for the po t. I’ll definitely return.
I found the whole webinar enlightening, that we have control over our DNA. I recently gave up gluten and sugar, as Dr David Perlmutter has research that these foods cause inflammation of the brain. I found the idea that not only our environment but how we perceive our environment can influence our gene expression. Also that gene expression is not set and predictable. Thank you Doctor for enlightening me.
I’m wondering as stated above how brain science is being used in relation to mental and physical trauma and having suffered from delirium while in hospital.
Wow! Does that explain me or what? Not that my people were in Auschwitz, but why certain traumatic behaviors seem to be playing out in family members for the three generations I know of. I’ve wondered about this sort of thing for awhile. Thank you.
Thank you for the wonderful insights about epigenetics, emotional literacy and attention.
thank you nollywood for the etnnrtaiement, I think all the actors and actress in Afican movies on a whole are great. they portray the realistic aspect with amusement, brilliancy and natrual etnnrtaiement
Hi Stephon,Thanks for comment. I’ll work on the meoctn exercise program I do, but it’s not that fancy just move in full range of motion, in multiple planes, and at varying speed. Get the heart rate to go nuts.As for diet discussion on the internet, the fact is this: the body is wonderfully complex and is an amalgamation of intricate parts working together in ways that any scientist worth her weight in research would tell you we do not yet understand. Yes, it’s complicated, and there are hundreds of Joe Blows and Jane Does in fora glorifying their intellects with soundbites and buzz words that they might have read about. Many are convinced with a concept, a hypothesis, or a theory without adequate familiarity with, or fair analysis of, opposing viewpoints or even basic awareness of the existence of numerous quality research showing opposing evidence. As much as they claim to be passionate about helping people (on the internet), they effectively confuse those who need help the most, and they also make it almost impractical to the thousands of citizens who cannot, or will not, have the determination to adopt a certain diet, to eliminate a certain food group, or to have access (financially or geographically) to certain food deemed the gold-stars. These are people whose struggles for nutrition are beyond their means and are never considered by the fora’s quazi-nutritionists, the pseudo-doctors who diagnose on the internet, and the gurus of particular diets. The members on these fora use the fact that the body truly is a complicated machine to flame people who use the simplistic approach known as the calorie-theory eat less, move more. No shit, it’s complicated, and most people who reference the calorie theory are bright enough to know that there’s more to it. But keeping things simple like eat less, move more has helped exponentially more people lose the weight they need to lose and improve their metabolic markers, and become more insulin sensitive. Decades of studies who this in controlled labs, and dozens of cultures support this in practice. Keeping it simple is what make it sustainable.Johnny
The intergenerational trauma in my family was INCEST…and DES (diethylstilbesterol) which is ONE of the causes of Autism.
Please see if one of these days, these two TABOO and STIGMATIZED subjects can get air time in the webseries. We mostly want to call these *abnormal psychology*, but NEITHER of them are *abnormal*…
2 out of 3 of my friends growing up were molested as children and DES was administered to millions of pregnant women for over 30 years. Worse than that–cocktails of epigenetic chemicals are still administered to pregnant women! That’s NOT a situation to be put-off or denied. The epigenetics of all prescription drugs must be recognized.
You bring “Epi-Genetics” to a very interesting (perhaps uncomfortable) place… if gene expression is more easily changed than previously understood, neuro-development would then be more volatile?
Joseph Chilton Pearce, George Leonard & others have much to say about our post-modern poisons! “Environmental” influences on behavior include our technologies, chemistry/”food” & “education”…
“Culturally Taboo” and “Stigmatized” people “suffer in silence” and these unpopular subjects are dealt with then only on the “fringes” – waiting for “Real Clinical Science” to offer any “legitimacy”.
Discussing Incest/Molestation, chemical lobotomies of children… and root cause problem solving will never be popular or marketable, or make their way past our societal and professional gate-keepers.
Appreciate Dr. B’s concise outline of the bio-mechanism in epigenetics & how this plays out in trans-generational trauma. In addition to cultural groups, like Jewish, Native or LBGT communities, inter-generational trauma can be present from economics. Poverty tends to expose people to more violence & social abuse, especially when drug use/drug industry is interwoven. Even people who do not use/behave violently themselves can become collateral damage from living next to drug-related violence. The flip side being that if the person can find a safe place & healing input, there’s a chance to push the epigenetic process over to the “good” direction. Thanks to all who are helping with this healing possibility.
Several years ago I put together a handout for clients “Demons & Dragons” that was created by former clients re their unresolved issues. Our clients are co-ed 18-35 y/o working on recovering from alcohol/other drug addictions in a 6 mo. IOP/Outpatient Program with a Contg Care option. It’s been an excellent tool for Trauma-Informed work. The front of the sheet lists the issues & the back lists what happens if issues are not addressed/resolved. We then have the benefit of our clients participating in a 3 day 30 hr Trauma Workshop facilitated by a Masters Level Somatic Experiencing, EMDR Certified therapist. Feedback from clients: “The Workshop changed my life.” It is my contention, having worked in the field since ’83 that underlying, unresolved unfinished business is behind most relapses i.e. it becomes significant that, more often than not, nurture trumps nature in our clients which is also part of one’s genetic code. Within a few wks into our Program, clients are asked, using the “D&D” sheet, to disclose their unresolved issues in Group – extremely powerful with a great deal of peripheral learning/identifying taking place It is, of course, stressed that the more severe the trauma (& we have all ranges) the longer & more in depth work is going to be needed. This work cannot be accomplished in a 28 day program. The goal, living happy, joyous and free of addictions. Our Center also recognizes Process addictions which, often, can be a switch that happens in early sobriety. A side note – if you’ve not read Dr. Lipton’s “Spontaneous Evolution” I highly recommend it, it explains a lot.
Thank God for Joan Borysenko, a Cell Biologist and Psychologist (not a cell biologist selling his own “Psychology Today” ideas) – who in a tenth of the time actually teaches us about “Epi”-Genetics!
There is a place in the world for “popularizers”, just don’t pretend that it is “Science” because a Scientist speaks the words. I truly wish Dr Lipton would speak to actual biology and genetics…
(Let’s be honest, he does a decent job speaking about his adopted field of behavioral medicine.)
Kelly McGonigle is a brilliant breath of fresh air, always speaking Science-based revelation, able to readily quote and explain research studies; apply them with compassion to humanity/treatment.
This weeks webinar was excellent while I watched on holiday, plus the additional bonus insight about stress and trauma hormones can still be filtered down 3-4 generations later. My work has been focused in this area of transgenerational trauma and this information supports a key area of my work, which I am very excited about. As a result, I am looking forward to reading Dr Lipton’s book regarding the conscious process as to how this has been influenced and the music created in support to enhance the process with eager interest.
Thanks for explaining the term “epigenetics”! And also for introducing the word “culture” into this discussion.
Now that we know more about the ghost in our own genes, maybe we can begin to explore ‘global epigenetics’ ie. Mankind in Amnesia by I. Velikovsky. Perhaps The Thunderbolts Project has something to say about this. Awareness (some call this Mindfulness) is a fabulous ‘ghostbuster’ as every ‘religious’ teacher throughout ancient and modern times have shown us again and again.
This is a scientific advancement and I am thrilled. I believe we have be saying this without understanding how close we were to the genetic truth. I have been told that I am just like my great grandmother and grandmother and mother. They all endured post pardum depression as we as what is now called Borderline Personality Disorder as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. What we all have had in common is early sexual abuse and bonding issues. Different reasons, , same outcomes.I thank the Dr. for sharing some of her discomfort with emotional regulation and how it can be altered once you understand that it is not something that you have to live with. This takes time to do but worth the effort. I was successful in changing a lot of the patterns with my daughter and she is carrying on the changes with her children. Once this is out in main stream therapy, it will enhance the persons view of their circumstances. I believed most of my life that I was broken and unfixable until I was able to see that some of my responses were very much my mothers.She, , was not able to overcome her own issues and suicide . She was diagnosed as, narcicistic, BPD, PTSD, , ECT. I have been given all those except narcicistic, some narcissism I suppose because I have been so focused on not accepting these as my fate. This part of the series has given me more hope for a brighter future for myself as well as for the people who are seeking an answer to their own pain and discomforts that seem to be out of NOWHERE. IT makes perfect sense, if you live in a warm climate, does your blood not thin to accommodate. If you change your diet, does your blood chemistry not change.
I did a lot of talking and loving my pre born and she is a loving, gentle and not (diagnosable) ie.BPD…..
I believe the genetic line has been altered.I am eternally grateful for people like yourselves who try and understand the whys’ of our experience.
Universal Blessings
This starts to make sense of the statement ‘ the effects of trauma takes several generation to undo’.
Just want to say, I came in late on this series but it is great! So much of this is massively hopeful for humanity.
It’ll be interesting to see what the Brain Science studies shows regarding tools /techniques such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting using EFT, &/or Intention, & visualisation. There is Birth Re-imprinting, Ancestral Reimprinting.
Even less main stream modalities e.g. Theta DNA Healing, and others have yet to be studied by brain science. Getting funding for these would be tricky!
Dr. Lipton’s presentation was super! – Clearly stated and far-reaching. As trauma therapist who works with single moms struggling with poverty, the stats on pregnancy and early childhood is especially important. Implications as to why there is so much violence in third world countries – child soldiers, fanaticism & violence, etc. now makes even more sense.
Thank you fo this series, laurene
Epigentics zooms large in my own life. As a carrier of the Alzheimer’s gene APO-e4, because of the work of Dr. Lipton and others, I was able to reverse symptoms resembling Alzheimer’s and I plan to keep that gene in the off position. Thank you for the great work you’re doing, Ruth.
Hi Ellen How were you able to do that? My husband has Vascular Dementia and I try to get him to think positive and love himself, but he won’t have any of my ‘ideas’. So I dont feel that I can help him which can be frustrating. Thank you.
Hi Carole. You don’t have to feel frustrated because your are doing right. You can stimulate him to “open the mind” and change his way to think, feel and act about his disease, he himself and life, and to take control over himself and his life, but the question is this is a self-healing process what means that he himself has to want to and to act, which takes time… Simply think positive doesn’t works in that case, but your love for sure help a lot. (Just saying, with respect.)
Hi Ellen, How and where were you tested? What did you do to turn off the gene? Many thanks.
Best wishes, Judy