There may be times when a client comes into a session with a specific story about racism that they experienced, and they want to talk about it. But according to Usha Tummala-Narra, PhD, a client’s experience of racial stress will usually come up much more subtly – and it could be easy to miss if […]
Tara Brach, PhD, and How to Work with Chronic Self-Judgement
What would you say to a client who feels as if they’ve wasted years of their life trapped in a cycle of harsh self-judgement? You see, feeling like you’re “never enough” is very common. According to Tara Brach, PhD, this sense of inadequacy leads to some of the most pervasive suffering in our culture. In […]
The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation: Ram Dass on Cultivating Loving Awareness
For just one hour this week, we got to soak up the wisdom and the gentle spirit of a luminary. I’m talking about the legendary Ram Dass . . . . . . and people from all over the world who joined us for Wednesday’s webinar have been letting us know how moved they were […]
How Mindfulness Impacts Focus Even During Discomfort
Picture this. It’s early morning, when the world often feels perfectly quiet. But for many people, there is no silence. There is only a loud buzzing in their ears, and nothing seems to make it stop. It’s tinnitus, a condition that affects people all over the world. And for some, these sounds can trigger severe […]
Expanding our Capacity to Love Others (and Ourselves) through Mindfulness
Doctor, nurse, therapist, social worker . . . . . . we all have roles we identify with, both personally and professionally. But, what do these roles we play have to do with experiencing unconditional love, and how can changing our awareness impact our sense of it? In this video clip, Ram Dass, PhD, […]