For just one hour this week, we got to soak up the wisdom and the gentle spirit of a luminary.
I’m talking about the legendary Ram Dass . . . . . . and people from all over the world who joined us for Wednesday’s webinar have been letting us know how
moved they were by what they heard.
For instance, I’m always struck by comments like this one, from a practitioner who plans to integrate Ram Dass’s ideas into her work immediately:
“I found Ram Dass to be an excellent teacher and model of moving from ego to soul. He challenged ‘that’s the way we are’ as accepting of a fearful incarnation, which resonates with me. The idea that we don’t reach our soul due to being dazzled by the mind and our senses was beautiful! I will use the touching of my heart and repeating ‘I am loving awareness’ and teach this simple yet profound practice to my clients. Ego to soul and the ‘role’ versus ‘soul’ I show to clients will be very present for me moving forward. The idea that if I show up in my role, I put the other in client role, versus showing up as a soul . . . allowing the other person to be present in that way also strikes me as healing. I will watch it again as I’m sure I missed parts. Well done!”
– Kelly M. Seidlitz, JD, MS, CDP CEO California
Sometimes, practitioners recognize strategies they’re already applying, and it’s exciting to see how the webinar can strengthen their concept of using effective practices:
“As for the ‘roles’ we take in our life ‘for good’: just today, I was so stuck myself in the ‘role’ as a therapist: my client had finished the imagery session she went through, with the picture of an “embrace”; so I suggested her to put her arms around her, and perceive this experience with her body and emotions, which she did. When she was about to leave, we said ‘good bye’, I wanted to shake her hand as usual but instead she really embraced me, ignoring our ‘roles’. What I felt in that very moment was reaching another level, the SOUL level. And it felt very true and right. Thank you Ruth for this wonderful gift today.”
– R. Elena Foell, Music Therapist & Psychotherapy Practitioner, Germany
And many times, these techniques can also help us outside of our work as practitioners. That’s why it’s so moving to see a comment like this one:
“What a touching experience. The question is how will we apply this to our practice? I think for me the question is, how will I apply this to my life? I hope I can begin to meditate on ‘I am loving awareness’ and take the kind of unconditional love he speaks on into my practice and into my life. I would like to live more in my heart and soul than my head and to share that perspective with all I meet. That sounds huge to me. I feel a little like Ram Dass felt when his guru told him to go out in the world and love everyone unconditionally and Ram Dass said ‘But how do I do that?’ I hope the guru’s answer will echo in my head.”
– Onnie Baldwin, LCSW, Charlottesville, VA
The comment board is a very important part of the series.
We appreciate the participation – it’s a big part of what makes us a community.
Make sure to check out our courses on mindfulness.
And if you joined us for our Wednesday webinar with Ram Dass, what’s one thing that stuck with you the most?
Please share your response in the comments below.
Dear Ruth and all the community,
Thank you for organizing the webinar series. I work in the field of meteorology, data assimilation. I find the learning and sharing with other people useful.
I heard about you, Ram Dass, from reading one of Susan Jeffers’s books. I find your talk very nurturing and touching.
While I was listening to your talk, I was sitting next to my son, who was doing homework’s. I told him that I was listening a talk about soul. Then, he asked me his favorite question: What is a soul? Is it an animal, a dragon? Probably, he is trying to find an image to associate. I tried to tell him how I feel my soul and I am sharing with you.
I have felt the presence of the soul in myself since at a young age. At that time, I felt something wise, like an inner voice, given to me. Soul for me is ageless, non-comparable, non-measurable, and it carries wisdom. Soul helps to surpass the barriers of any kind: age, gender, nationality, profession and so on.
In recent years, I was feeling some kind of emotional pain about a situation on my own life. I found peace, the moment I become aware of ego, mind and soul. I brought the event on soul dimension and the pain was not there. Now, it really helps in new situations in life to ask the question: Where do I feel pain or other emotions: in ego or in soul dimension. Is my ego leading or is my soul? My purpose is to put the soul in things I do in life. Mind and soul together.
I feel more peace and joy when I added the loving awareness in my daily life.
I hope to share the learning with my family, friends and colleagues.
Yes – this teaching certainly will stay with us – within us – support and nourish us, so that we live it and thereby pass it on. Rippels spreading endlessly. What an incredible impact!
Ram Dass gives answers to ways of beeing and acting, that felt right but was wrong according to established practices. It may sound a little strange, but you know – situations with a client, when you were supposed to use a certain technique og method, but your ….. actually your HEART ….. tells you so clearly, that what is needed, is something completely different – like just being with the client and recognizing their special qualities. No conditions! Full acceptance.
Having his wise words with you, provides the trust in your own wisdom.
And yes, Ruth – you are right! When I read the comments, I feel the community: great people all over the World! And it feels really good.
Thanks and warm wishes to all of you
Ram Dass ‘ words and practice are simple… and yet profound. One of the things I understood from his talk was the importance/necessity of returning — repeatedly — to the soul, where the connection between us IS.
Okay Ruth. I’ve forgotten. What was the guru’s answer mentioned to Ram Dass in the reference above, and in your mindfulness webinar? Please share that with us again.
I am loving this series, and plan to refer to it frequently for my own spiritual evolution. Warm regards, Kathy
Dear Ruth, staff and Nicabm comunity,
I would like just to say this simple idea: I was
amazed by Ram Dass talk, not only by what he
said, simple and profound truth, but specially
the way he said it…. An enlighted, conected and
peaceful man; that was this beautiful human being I
discovered last day!
Congratulation for all the comunity to support
Ruth and Nicabm work.
I am so amazed at how so much alike we are in the way we have received the presence of teachings of Ram Das. reading at the comments, I could swear that I could have written each one, for everyone mirrored my own experience of Ram Das It was just one ore way to experience our soull together as one. In my practice, after my sessions with each patient, particularly after a heavy one, I ask permission if I could give my patient a hug. The response is all the time a gratitude and a wilingness in the midst of surprise. As I engage in this warm embrace, the precious gift I receive is the opening of my heart that goes deep into my soul. No better reward could I long for in this very precious moment.
what will stay with me from sitting with ram dass:
the light of loving kindness shining through him
his hand touching his heart….i am loving awareness, i am loving awareness….for me, a prayer to touch
and be touched by, be one with the One
the witness self, holding my personality self and Soul Self, not judging, knowing i am both and
to see others this way
when Ram Dass touches his forehead to point to his ego, i smile: he is touching the place of his
third eye….Dan Siegle would perhaps say he is touching his middle prefrontal cortex, the part of
us that makes pathways all through the brain, integrating, thereby witnessing, aligning with the
heart soul center….how lovely, how it all comes together….
what stays with me is the smile of Ram Dass, so tender, so playful….may i carry all of this with me
Evreoyne would benefit from reading this post
Error: the question asked by Ram Dass of his guru was “But how do I do that?” when his guru had said “go out in the world and love everyone unconditionally.” What was the guru’s answer? My previous post had the wrong statement to be answered.
Error: the question asked by Ram Dass of his guru was “But how do I do that?” when his guru had said “go out in the world and love everyone unconditionally.” What was the guru’s answer?
What was his guru’s answer when Ram Dass asked but how do I do that when the guru had said go out in the world and practice loving awareness?
Is it possible to have a download of Ram Das” talk? I can’t afford a Gold membership, but would love to hear or read his actual words? I tried unsuccessfully to tune in to the broadcast. Thank you
Ram Dass gives voice to the spiritual evolution of many of us in his generation. We have explored levels of consciousness in ways not open to previous generations, and are in the time of integrating and offering back the traditional wisdom we have been exposed to. As I continue to work with people in diverse situations, I will be reminding myself of the simple but powerful ways in which he demonstrated how to be fully present. His examples of recognizing ego-based versus soul-based practice were concrete and memorable.
It seems as Ram’s question (How do I do that?) to Neem Karoli Baba, when told by his Guru to love everyone has come full circle. To me, Ram Dass is unconditional love personified. He exudes loving awareness. His heart is surely polished, glowing and shining as he teaches us. Thanks for this interview Ruth. I will hold this in my heart and keep coming back to this wonderful reminder, ego to soul, as I sit in presence with clients.
What an inspiration he is to all of us. His influence will be felt around the world. His wisdom is deeply healing and those who are fortunate enough to have a healer working with them who recognizes and embodies his message will be truly blessed. Having healers who pass on these concepts will truly change the world for the better. Thank you Ruth also for your wisdom in choosing such wise teachers.
Can you make a 24hr replay facility of the interviews.I would particularly like to listen to this one with Ram Dass.Much as i would like to listen to the events hosted by Ruth, i have never listened to any, because of the timing and a 24hr replay would help many like me, who do not want to opt for the gold membership.
Thank you Ruth… For all the series, great speakers, pertinent and interesting content, frequent postings, the pre and post recaps, comments. I am getting closer to ordering 🙂 so that I can listen, watch on my time…which is always golden 🙂 I love to read the comments to! There are SO many good people in this world!
I was very moved by simply being with this gracious and loving man. He is surely one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. I did so originally at a retreat in France in 1989, some while before his stoke. He comes across now as a man who has truly deepened his awareness of what really matters to us all, that we all long for, to be in the presence of love. The more we see the journey we are on with ourselves and those we work with, as a soul path, the more we are enabled to heal. I work as an executive coach and supervisor and at a recent meeting with colleagues we sat in silence, facing a partner and allowed ourselves be present, mindful and open hearted in the relationship. The power of this brought tears to our eyes and reminded us all of the oft forgotten gift we all have to bring to all we meet, our capacity for loving, open-hearted being, soul to soul, no ego. Your meeting with him, Ruth, was also very loving and brought out the true meaning of what it is to meet another human being with appreciation of their gifts. Your questions and comments were just great, thanks so much.