During the pandemic, your clients may be looking for answers to help them manage the uncertainty and stress of our “new normal.”
And there’s no shortage of advice out there.
The thing is, while some ideas are truly helpful, others may only heighten the discomfort.
According to Deb Dana, LCSW, the key is to help clients listen to what their own nervous system needs in a given moment.
In the video, Deb will mention three states of the nervous system. If you don’t catch them all as you watch, we’ve got you covered. We’ve summarized everything for you in the client handout that you can download after the video.
Now I’ll let Deb take it from here.
Deb just walked you through how to help a client make a Pathways to Regulation Menu. If you’d like to try this with your client, we created a handout to help. If you’d like to print a copy to share, please click here.
Update: We take great care to read your comments, and this week one in particular stood out to us.
Rachel Garst shared an idea for improving the handout with client-friendly terms for the states of the nervous system. We thought this was a great suggestion, and we’ve updated the handout.
Here’s the link again to get the worksheet.
(Please be sure to include the copyright information. We put a lot of work into creating these resources for you. Thanks!)
It includes instructions, a quick summary of each state of the nervous system, and a template they can use for their menu.
And if you found this helpful, you might like to see our other videos with Deb about How to Befriend the Nervous System During Quarantine as well as A Tool to Help Clients Calm the Nervous System.
Now we’d like to hear from you. Do you have a client who might find this exercise useful? What have you found most helpful for clients who are feeling dysregulated during quarantine – whether they’re feeling anxious and stressed out, or tired and lethargic?
Please let us know by leaving a comment below.
If you found this helpful, here are a few more resources you might be interested in:
[Infographic] – How the Nervous System Responds to Trauma
Working with the Nervous System via Telehealth
Thank you for this tool. I run an online group and will introduce my members to these helpful questions and the form where they can write down their reflective experiences!
Thank you for all the helpful information and tips on handling many issues
thanks for all the sharing of ideas and tools. Signing up for the ‘Fear’ course was one of best investments I’ve made in a long time. These additional tools are even a bigger pleasant surprise!
Thank you for all the additional information. I like this clear organization of dorsal, sympathetic, and ventral, and asking ourselves what feels interesting to my nervous system now.
This is a great way to help clients (and myself!) Thanks so much. Just having a useful tool like this will help calm down the whole nervous system… reminding us of options. Choosing to be stressed or calm… fantastic.
Thank you so much – I find that education on the nervous system is so reassuring and empowering for my clients – and for me!!
This is a very timely video. I, too, am getting inundated with well-intended suggestions in my inbox on how to deal with the stress of COVID-19. I find myself often feeling overwhelmed by all the content which is stressful. Checking inwards to make my selections according to how I am feeling in any given moment on any given day is so reassuring and a great reminder to trust our intuition by tuning into our nervous system. This handout is very usable and it will be a great tool for clients. Thank you so much Deb and Ruth!
A pleasure being with Deb’s regulated and joyous self in this clip. Great information and suggestions. A great practical way to practice embodiment. The reminder to savor our ventral experiences is priceless, especially when shared with such joy. Thank you for this wonderful resource. Kristina
I so appreciated this video. As an emotionally focused therapist I sometimes fear that my CBT oriented friends are in their heads too much. In EFT we try to deepen emotion but that is not too different from what Deb Dana reframes as checking in with your nervous system. It is just a more cognitive way of getting to the core of the client’s experience. It is a good reminder of taking a pause, checking inward and assessing our experiential needs at a given moment. I like the menu reframe and can see myself using this imagery with several clients today. Thank you, Deb, for your wisdom.
Thank you. This will help.
There is no normal in my opinion we who work helping others should be clear on our thoughts and be responsable with our words because words have power
The thrust of the video is spot on. However using the short-hand terms “Dorsal” and “Vagal” and “Parasympathetic” is off-putting for all but polyvagal theorists. I’ve read 4 books on the subject and STILL find the terms super-clumsy. The video would be so much clearer and user-friendly, if the presenter introduced some more self-evident terminology for the same thing, such as: “Shut-down state,” “Calm and Connected State,” and “Activated state.”
Great suggestion Rachel! I agree the verbiage needs to be user friendly when presented to your client/patient.
yes…..i agree, as well. so much reinventing the wheel and coming up with names and categories…..holistic types have been using a pendulum for that information for the 40 yrs since i’ve heard about it anyway.
holding the pendulum, programming it which way to turn for yes, no, and maybe….then asking a yes/no question…your nervous system will answer thru the pendulum…..kinesiology has also been used for years ….what thot, what product, held in the hand, will weaken the arm being held straight out, no matter how much resistance is attempted.
Thank you for giving us ideas and information, Ruth! Very interesting.
Thank you, such a great idea 🙂
While I think the questions in the handout are good ones, the jargon aspect is off putting for clients. Keep it simple and leave the jargon out.