Regardless of education, experience, or intelligence, many struggle with relationships. Though the research is clear that healthy relationships can be immune enhancing, being (and staying) in a loving, intimate relationship is one of the most challenging things we do. All sorts of difficulties in relationships are related to resentment and identification as a victim. Far […]
Tired, Stressed, Fat and Depressed: What You Need to Know About Cortisol (New Video)
Most of us know that too much stress is harmful to health – but, do we know why? Cortisol, often called the “stress hormone,” impacts the body in so many ways. Weight gain, fatigue, depression, sex drive, and overall mental function can be adversely affected by high levels of cortisol. Really makes you wonder, why […]
Thyroid: the Body’s Most Mysterious Gland (with New Video)
Got a question from a counselor recently, here is the gist of what she said, “I am not a physician and do not practice medicine, why do I need to know about thyroid disease? I’m interested in mindfulness meditation, hypnosis and guided imagery.” Good question really. (In case you didn’t know, the topic of the […]
McNamara and Mind/Body Medicine
Watching the retrospective analysis last night of Robert McNamara’s service as Secretary of Defense during the Viet Nam war was fascinating. One quote from his memoirs just stuck with me, “We were wrong, terribly wrong.” The conversation led to the lessons learned about what went so wrong with US strategy. This included discussion about McNamara, […]