Several weeks ago I had the good fortune to hear Elie Wiesel speak. Here’s a man who would have every right to be inconsolably bitter and pessimistic.
Yet instead, his experience in the Holocaust has only made him stronger…
His message, How to Rebuild a Moral Society, inspires us to build a place where there is freedom, respect, repentance, and reconciliation for all people…a place where the most vulnerable are brought into the circle of human rights.
When he said, “Our humanity is defined by our relationships to one another,” I knew that what we do, even at the single patient level, has so many implications for impacting a much larger framework.
Life is about relationship, and when we resolve the dicey complexities that can hold us back, not only do we better serve our patients, but the larger community of humanity as well.
So, exactly how do we do this?
One way to approach this is to “mitigate the tendency to overreact,” and that means helping our patients to develop a set of skills to manage excessive reactions or undue anxiety.
Check out our mind/body programs to learn more about a topic that’s essential to our patients’ health and well-being.
Great article
Greetings, ruth and All,
As the clock turns from this day, to a new day, I am grateful for all possibility and potential. Life is a gift, and I am deeply appreciative each day, each moment, as I ask myself”What shall i created today, and ponder its quality. And, in the turning, I am grateful for the ability and opportunity to share with others in give and take-educare-learn/teach. We could have been constructed differently-not caring, not sharing-and that would be a painful way to be, to even contemplate such meets with internal efforts to reinstate our human contact and interpersonal relations, with humans, and all life, All Our Relations.
Be well, and thank you for the webinair series I have recently purchased.
I may or may not be able to hear the teleseminar Wednesday as I will be away from my computer with my i-phone. I’m told I need a flashplayer app. which I don’t think is yet available. If that is the case, I hope you will repeat the opportunity to receive all the seminars at a fixed price. Thank you for all your wonderful, professional programs.
‘There is nothing like NICABM in terms of its quality and integrity.Kathy