In the aftermath of trauma, some clients struggle to feel a sense of connection to their bodies.
And when clients can’t properly interpret the sensations or messages that the body is sending to the brain, it can be very difficult for them to get a handle on their triggers.
So in the video below, Stephen Porges, PhD shares a Polyvagal-informed approach that can help clients better understand their triggers and begin to feel more at home in their own bodies.
Have a look.
A Polyvagal-informed approach can strengthen your work with trauma by helping you target your client’s nervous system more effectively.
So if you found this video helpful, you can hear more from Stephen about how to integrate Polyvagal Theory into the treatment of trauma here.
Now we’d like to hear from you. How might you use these techniques in your work with clients? Please leave a comment below to let us know.
If you found this helpful, here are a few more resources you might be interested in:
A Two-Step Approach for Helping Clients Bring Awareness to an Emotional Trigger
When Racism Triggers Emotional Reactivity
The Differences in Dissociation Triggered by Shame and Terror – and How to Work with Each
I am in a CIT class and I want more information or resources. I work in corrections.
I recently went through breast cancer treatment and ended up with peripheral neuropathy, I was wondering how this treatment would have impacted Ted on my vestibular proprioception and introperception, which has also been impacted by developmental trauma.
Thank you for this well articulated explanation and for the videos you share. It is also helpful to access the transcripts 🙂
I need to go deeper and understand fight, flight, freeze and also disassociation from mind and body. To learn to remain in the present no matter the situation and be able to use my voice during those moments.
I have behaviours I have not yet been able to change in myself and I need help that I have not found. My therapist who has 6 years University and many years experience says he is unable to help.
My issues go deeper than consciousness and its like something other than myself, takes over. Perhaps the subconscious?
Since Ive been doing self help, learning and being more conscious, aware of and about everything I do, Ive become aware of the disassociation and how important itbis to address it. The deeper fight, flight, freeze. The subconscious fight, flight, or freeze. If I can even call it that. Ive been trying to find information and help because my response and reaction or inaction to some situations are unacceptable.
In those moments I run into myself, im battling with my inner self, and Im frozen, paralyzed in the situation. Its a brain fog like we have in trauma, grief and when triggered. There has to be a way to regulate myself, remain in the present moment and not allow fear or whatever it is, to control me in such a way that I let whatever is happening, happen.
Its not like these unacceptable situations and behaviours of others come up every day in order to be able to practice tools and ground myself deeper —with the goal to be better in reactions and “timely reaction”
Its not just about confrontation either or shying away from it. Although outside of trauma, it can be seem that way.
If I am not in control in any given moment that I am triggered how then, can I learn on my own? Im afraid that the flight and freeze mode could one day turn into fight, lashing out and harming another.
I have realized in my own healing that in other areas I can go from one extreme to another before balancing out.
If this happens with fight flight freeze, from one extreme to the next, would this fall under the concept of temporary insanity?
Where can I go? Who can I speak to for help with this?
I will be looking into the limbic system as Ive found learning about the vagus nerve has been helpful. Learning relaxing techniques might be key in order to remain relaxed enough under pressure to not loose myself in the flight fight freeze.
Ive also briefly looked into the sympathetic nervous system.
Calming my mind and body with breathworks and different meditations have been helpful.
Ps my mother was one of seven perpetrators when I was a child from age 4 to 17. Conceived a my second child at 18 through rape and suffered through much more trauma and grief throughout my life. Most of my life has been fear based. To protect myself and my children.
I come to tears knowing that FINALLY people are learning more about trauma. It gives me hope that I can one day finally find more tools I need to heal and get over this hump that is holding me back. I have always feared failure, and now fear success which I recently discovered. Ive been unwell living with fight flight freeze and being in hyper vigilant mode for most of my life. I want my freedom. Freedom from all fear and complete healing. This is my goal. I am transparent in my journey and share everything I learn and is helpful on my facebook. Too many of us suffering trauma while we live in a trauma filled society, run and governed by traumatized people.
There is some relief in knowing Im not alone on my Healing Journey. So many others have taken the turn onto the Red Road. Im not as crazy as I sometimes think I am, and there is hope. Finally there is hope.
Much Love,
This is a thoughtful share. Thank You, Lisa. I pursued being a therapist to help others through events I too have endured, as you describe above. I got tired of hearing, “get over it”, by many individuals through decades when I called out for help. This only squashed my willingness to share. Then, I compartmentalized it all only to have it come up as a volcano once I felt safe, in my 30’s. It’s still coming up 2 decades later. Keep up the work, the hope that you can heal as it does come in increments. I started a free online support group specific to anxiety and for caregivers to help provide support as so many of us are working through these challenges. Namaste.
Thank you. So helpful for my work.
Thank you. Your explanation helped me in many ways. I numb out sometimes and I’ll start paying attention to those times. Keeping a journal is such a good idea. You’ve helped so much. Norma
Porges says: “But we can use kind of a term that’s frequently used in pop psychology now, I guess, or psychology even is to become embodied,” pointing to the clinical importance of bodily numbness. However, labelling “embodiment” as pop psychology is disrespectful, especially given the work in many areas, including bodily numbness, that has been done. Perhaps some pop psychologists do so use the term. But, then, there are those that use the term “polyvagal-informed approach” as pop biology.
Interesting …. At the beginning of therapy I don’t think therapists put enough emphasis your points, body language / take the time to notice triggers created by body language …Thanks for emphasising the importance of this. You demonstrates the importance of getting the basics right before progress can be made and , how the right start can be the difference between helpful therapy and a waste of time !
Thank you. Most excellent!!
I am a reflexologist and am interested in the way trauma is held within the body and its effects on organs and systems. The body is represented on the feet and sore spots can be found where certain organs and systems are located.
This can indicate the presence of inflammation which may manifest as some form of health condition. So this is where somatic therapies can help clients who have experienced trauma.
So much gratitude for all this Work in helping to support and understand our human condition. Thank you Stephen and all❣️
I use this every day in my work as a Rosenmethod Bodywork practioner.
Now, with all the risks of Cםbid 19 and the need to protect our patients and ourselves we are required to wear masks and a physical distance between us and the client. It is worth thinking about how to deal with this situation in the context of Forges’s recommendations and the polyvagal theory.
Happy New Year and a groth of health to our Jewish friends and everyone.