When clients struggle to control their anger, it can alienate their family, friends, co-workers, and perhaps even you, as the clinician. So how do you get your client to recognize that their anger is an issue . . . . . . without making them angry at you (and stalling therapeutic progress even further)? In […]
Working with Clients Who Feel "Never Good Enough"
People constantly compare themselves against messages they receive from friends, family, media, and our culture. And those messages often contribute to feelings of “never good enough”: Not attractive enough. Not intelligent enough. Not thin enough. Not successful enough. For many of our clients, they’ve encountered these types of messages from a very young age, and […]
What’s Underneath a Client’s Anger?
When a client erupts in anger, what’s really going on? While anger is a normal and sometimes necessary emotion, it can escalate all too quickly once triggered. And that can lead to devastating choices and consequences. In the video below, ten experts share their perspectives on what drives anger, and how they approach it. Take […]
Expert Strategies for Helping Clients Get "Unstuck"
One of the main reasons clients come to see us is that they’re stuck – in one way or another. Maybe they’ve got limiting beliefs about what they can, or can’t, accomplish. Sometimes the fear of trying something new holds people back. When a client is stuck, it’s often useful to consider how other practitioners […]
How to Get to the Heart of Resistance
The moment a client begins to resist, progress often comes to a crashing halt. But with the right strategies and a little creativity, we can usually get people back on course. For instance, when Marsha Linehan, PhD encounters resistance, she often starts to chip away at it by asking one key question. In the video […]