Feelings of unworthiness, shame, and self-hatred seem to show up all too often in daily life – we see it in our work, our families, and maybe even experience it ourselves. But there’s at least one person in the world who’s not especially familiar with such feelings. In fact, he didn’t even know the meaning […]
Mindfulness Power Tools For Cancer Survivors
A diagnosis of cancer can change a person’s life in the blink of an eye. And the feeling of helplessness that often accompanies it can remain even after recovery. So how can we help people regain a sense of control over their lives after they’ve experienced cancer? There’s actually a unique program aimed at helping […]
Mindful Change from an Early Age
For a lot of us, success in life starts with learning the right habits. And for parents, it’s essential to start children off on the right foot by teaching them good habits from an early age. In fact, there’s one “habit” in particular that parents can pass on to their children – one that can […]
How Prisoners Are Benefiting From Yoga
The other day, we shared a video of a practitioner who introduced mindfulness to female prisoners (if you missed it, you can check it out here). We received a lot of thoughtful comments, and found out that even among our readers, there are practitioners introducing mindfulness in prisons. Since so many people were interested, we […]
Mindfulness Meditation – Celebrating an Incredible Journey
Live in the present moment. Pay attention. It’s such a simple principle . . . . . . and yet, over the last eight weeks, we’ve watched it flourish in unexpected ways. We’ve seen how mindfulness can pierce the “trance of unworthiness” to create self-acceptance. We shrank it down to a three-minute exercise . . […]