Here at NICABM, we do like to keep things new and fresh. But this time of year, there’s one tradition we’ve all become particularly fond of . . . . . . and that’s choosing the charity that will get half of the proceeds from our holiday special. Every year, each member of the NICABM […]
The Best Excuse I Ever Heard
I’m sure you’ve neeeeeever used an excuse to go off an intended diet, but maybe you know of someone who has? (wink) There are so many reasons why people resolve to make a change, start a diet, and then completely blow it off. “It’s the holidays, why not indulge a little?” “But my aunt doesn’t […]
What Will the White House be Serving for Halloween?
Tuesday night on Jay Leno, President Obama shared that the First Lady has been handing out fruit and raisins for the last couple years on Halloween. He added, “The White House is going to get ‘egged’.” Michelle Obama’s preference for healthy Halloween snacks is not surprising – she has been campaigning for healthy lifestyles with […]