When we talk about changing the brain, exercise tends to come up over and over again. Just take a peek at my last couple of blog posts (especially this one), and you’ll see just how important keeping active can be for a strong, healthy brain. But sometimes it takes more than just talking about research […]
Boosting the Effects of Exercise on the Brain
Brain science is constantly changing and discovering new, exciting ideas . . . . . . but one thing that seems to keep popping up is how great exercise is for your body, and for your brain. Last week, I told you about a study that focused on the effect that physical activity can have […]
Building the Brain – Can Exercise Help?
As we get older, we tend to place a higher and higher premium on getting healthy, staying energized, and feeling youthful . . . . . . and one effective way to do that is through regular exercise. So if that’s the impact a workout routine can have on your body as you age, what […]
Improving Memory through Meditation?
Many of us fear losing our memory and healthy brain function. Whenever I misplace my car keys or forget my online banking password, I get the fleeting thought of “oh, no, is this a sign?” Meditation is one way that I calm such fears, but I may be helping my memory in the process too. […]
Turmeric for a Healthy Brain: Part II
Have you had your turmeric yet this week? In a recent post, I talked about the neuroplastic possibilities of curcumin (a brain-boosting chemical in turmeric) for slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Did that convince you to start eating it? If not, consider this my second attempt. Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease isn’t the […]