Now that we’ve wrapped up the Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma, I’d like to take a moment to thank you again for tuning in.
We believe the leading research and developments on trauma treatment are so important. That’s why we made it our mission to make this program available to as many practitioners as possible throughout the world.
So how did we do?
Well, at final count, we had practitioners join us from 157 countries.
Here’s a quick glimpse of the global community you’re now a part of:
United States | 40,095 | El Salvador | 11 |
Canada | 9,482 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 10 |
United Kingdom | 9,280 | Qatar | 10 |
Australia | 4,559 | Azerbaijan | 9 |
Ireland | 1,216 | Bermuda | 9 |
New Zealand | 1,057 | Belarus | 9 |
Netherlands | 1,036 | Dominican Republic | 9 |
Germany | 902 | Guernsey | 9 |
South Africa | 875 | Latvia | 9 |
Romania | 532 | North Macedonia | 9 |
Israel | 483 | Palestine | 9 |
India | 458 | Grenada | 8 |
Sweden | 450 | Kuwait | 8 |
Spain | 406 | Venezuela | 8 |
Belgium | 358 | Bahamas | 7 |
Mexico | 353 | Iraq | 7 |
France | 337 | Morocco | 7 |
Denmark | 317 | Mongolia | 7 |
Singapore | 278 | Nigeria | 7 |
Norway | 273 | Zimbabwe | 7 |
Italy | 248 | Barbados | 6 |
Switzerland | 233 | Cameroon | 6 |
Portugal | 217 | Georgia | 6 |
Greece | 212 | Cambodia | 6 |
Finland | 206 | Montenegro | 6 |
Poland | 287 | Mauritius | 6 |
Brazil | 161 | Namibia | 6 |
Hong Kong | 143 | Oman | 6 |
Austria | 117 | Rwanda | 6 |
Philippines | 117 | Albania | 5 |
Argentina | 112 | Armenia | 5 |
Croatia | 110 | Aruba | 5 |
Turkey | 103 | Bangladesh | 5 |
Hungary | 100 | Gibraltar | 5 |
Taiwan | 100 | Mozambique | 5 |
Slovenia | 89 | Cayman Islands | 4 |
Malaysia | 80 | Kazakhstan | 4 |
Thailand | 80 | Moldova | 4 |
Japan | 69 | Bolivia | 3 |
Serbia | 69 | Congo – Kinshasa | 3 |
Czechia | 61 | Faroe Islands | 3 |
Slovakia | 59 | Ghana | 3 |
Russia | 53 | Haiti | 3 |
Panama | 52 | St. Lucia | 3 |
United Arab Emirates | 50 | Myanmar (Burma) | 3 |
Trinidad & Tobago | 48 | Maldives | 3 |
Chile | 47 | Tunisia | 3 |
Costa Rica | 46 | Uganda | 3 |
Lithuania | 46 | U.S. Virgin Islands | 3 |
Peru | 45 | Antigua & Barbuda | 2 |
Bulgaria | 43 | Caribbean Netherlands | 2 |
Indonesia | 43 | Curaçao | 2 |
Colombia | 41 | Algeria | 2 |
Puerto Rico | 39 | Ethiopia | 2 |
Ukraine | 39 | Guam | 2 |
Estonia | 37 | Jordan | 2 |
South Korea | 33 | Laos | 2 |
Pakistan | 32 | Lesotho | 2 |
Iceland | 31 | Libya | 2 |
Kenya | 29 | Madagascar | 2 |
Guatemala | 28 | Réunion | 2 |
Uruguay | 28 | Sudan | 2 |
Egypt | 24 | Angola | 1 |
Sri Lanka | 24 | Burundi | 1 |
Lebanon | 23 | Botswana | 1 |
Vietnam | 23 | Côte d’Ivoire | 1 |
Cyprus | 22 | Guyana | 1 |
Ecuador | 21 | Liechtenstein | 1 |
Saudi Arabia | 20 | Monaco | 1 |
Luxembourg | 19 | Macao | 1 |
China | 18 | Seychelles | 1 |
Iran | 14 | Senegal | 1 |
Jersey | 14 | Sint Maarten | 1 |
Jamacia | 14 | Eswatini | 1 |
Malta | 14 | Turks & Caicos Islands | 1 |
Bahrain | 12 | Tajikistan | 1 |
Belize | 12 | Tanzania | 1 |
Nepal | 12 | Kosovo | 1 |
Nicaragua | 11 | Total: | 77,067 |
We are truly thankful to all of the people who supported our mission of bringing this to practitioners worldwide through their purchase of a Gold Package.
Now I’d like to hear from you – how will you be using the ideas from the Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma in your work with clients? Please leave a comment in the space below (and feel free to share where you’re from, if you’d like).
I so enjoy the clinical focus you bring to the workshop… the ‘what do I do in the room and why’. It is easier to perceive a paradigm shift when many experts bring heir knowledge to bear on a direct question as opposed to having to seek out the ‘moments of gold’ in a whole day seminar with one expert where they are often embedded in yet another model. I retain so much more when the knowledge is reinforced with a review in the structured way you have organised the material. I so enjoy turning to the transcripts to reread something half remembered.
So informative ❤️Thank you and look forward to more in the future 🙏🏼
it was a priviledge to be part of this great community of therapists that want to help clients with traumatic stress problems. In Italy it is much needed …
This training was fantastic, thank you!
Is there a way to connect with other attendees, especially in my region?
Thank you so much for the programme. I attended as an individual rather than as a Practioner. However it was through working with a child in a school who had attachment issues and deep early trauma that I began to become more aware of my own relationship to the freeze response.
Thank you it was very informative and I’m sure that I’ll take this information forward with me in life and in relationship to others.
I found it particularly useful to think of speaking for my child, rather than from my child.
With much gratitude 🙏
I am not a professional, but a trained lay person who volunteers through a non profit to help trauma victims. I absolutely loved the Master Trauma series. I have listened to All but one of the sessions and some of the sessions several times. They are extremely well done and very helpful.
This information is critical for treatment of the addicted. For far too long addiction treatment centers have barely scratched the surface on root causes. 99% of the patients i’ve been in contact with suffer from early childhood trauma. And yet, the field has become so commercialized and trauma education and treatment is still rejected. Thank you for these tools.
Truamas are often associated with affliction and injurious behaviours,projected and introjected,to fester, corrosively….. disadvantaging, and inhibiting progression to better….
This maybe a valid and even predominant view….Which is culture specific….However there potentially and actually are societies where such toments are initiation tests and rites of passage,and viewed as traditional necessities of community
Such rites have been tested over very.msny centuries,longer than pos modern ideologies…With the political corrected,maybe we have something to Discover from premodern?
Thank you for all insights how the brain and the body work in the healing process.
Very useful and interesting , very helpful. For the client and all his family. God bless you.
Ludmila, Slovakia
It was a journey of inspirational gathering of wisdom. That is what the advanced Master Program was for me. Unable to purchase the gold package I took full advantage of the free offerings you sent in both the videos and the additional add ons. Ruth your ability to facilitate the educational take aways and pause to take in the gems of insight weaved the presentations together. I have a lot of the books the presenters have written yet it was different to hear and see them talk, its funny how different writing is from the spoken communication. During lockdown, for us in Sydney a lot of the program was during covid lockdown, it was additional great to have the intimacy of the videos to look foward to each week. I actually was sad when it ended. The videos brought the presenters to life and their personalities became more and more familiar. Thank you Ruth you are doing a great job…
This was a fantastic programme. I honestly can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s true they’ve skipped anything that’s already common knowledge, and are straight into useful tools and concise explanations that nicely wrap up things I’ve been studying on the side for years, but wasn’t quite completely there yet. It’s validating and good to hear the effectiveness they’ve had in clinic, and seeing it rolemodelled with confidence, from advanced practitioners. I’m so glad to know I’m on the right track, it’s given me heaps of courage to articulate what I do, and help others to articulate and find pathways within for themselves. Im excited about the doorways this opens, for all of us, to take a next step in effective practice.
Aaron Ament, MD
The nicabm progeams have provided most of what I was missing. I started at Menningers in 1963 and leasned “psychotherapy”. There was no psychopharmacology to speak of, and it developed thruout my life. It improved symptoms, but trauma was never over and improvment was partial. Now I have an undersanding of how to interrupt generational pathology and how to leak wounds which were still raw with the best that therapy could offer. And I can see it happening in my office.
Therapy used to stop with residual pain. Now there is growth.
These numbers are spectacular! Congratulations!
I feel I have more awareness about recognizing triggered states in ways I didn’t previous to this course. There are many other useful tips, explanations, and techniques that have enhanced what I can offer to those afflicted. Thank you.
Although I am not currently working I can’t tell you how grateful I was to have had the opportunity and to work through different ways to try and manage my pain better. This has beeenn very sensitive to my health issues and will take it into the future to hopefully be able to help others some days I can manage others are extremely painful however always hopeful it will be better one day. God bless everyone who has helped construct such useful information.
Thank you so much for all the interesting and useful information that you so generously shared! It will benefit the adult patients (and their families) I work with in psychotherapy, as well as the expressive arts therapy students I teach in Perú.
Recently within the therapeutic container, an adult client uncovered her childhood incestual trauma. Complex it is. As a dance movement therapist ( DMT) It has been both a comfort and guide to have the different aspects of trauma be articulated through the Master’s program. A DMT works naturally with the foundation of the healing which is the body. In my own territory I am reaching out to other professionals who are dealing with the complexity of this healing.
Do you work virtually with clients? I live in the US. Thank you.
I am extremely enlightened to have received the Trauma Training from NICABM. As a Chartered & Registered Psychologist in the UK, providing free assessment and treatment for the past eight years, for individuals who experience difficulties processing complex trauma. I am able to keep abreast of current thinking, and gain insight from the leading practitioners themselves – in doing so, not only am I compliant and up-to-date with my continuing professional development requirements, but have increased the range of therapeutic skills considerably, to work with clients from and embodied perspective. Thank you for the enjoyable training!