Even for people fortunate enough to be able to stay safely at home, the pandemic has created a lot of new challenges. Many parents are feeling the strain as they try to homeschool, work from home, keep the house together, and plan activities for increasingly cooped up children. So in the video below, Bonnie Goldstein, […]
COVID-19 Frontliners and Moral Injury
The COVID-19 pandemic has put immense strain on healthcare workers around the world. They’ve had to make impossible decisions, work in unsafe conditions, and often still feel like they didn’t do enough to help. For some frontliners, they will emerge from the pandemic with moral injuries similar to what we see in soldiers who’ve been […]
Making a Nervous System “Menu” – a Tool for Your Clients
During the pandemic, your clients may be looking for answers to help them manage the uncertainty and stress of our “new normal.” And there’s no shortage of advice out there. The thing is, while some ideas are truly helpful, others may only heighten the discomfort. According to Deb Dana, LCSW, the key is to help […]
The Neuroscience of Worry During Quarantine
When fear overwhelms a client, it can knock the thinking brain offline . . . . . . and with the current pandemic there’s a lot of news that can trigger a fear response. So how can we help clients manage their fear even when the headlines are scary? Jud Brewer, PhD, has several ideas […]