When people are in distress, seeking out the support and comfort of others can be a natural response. But for clients who’ve experienced trauma, this response can sometimes signal something more. Their persistent attempts to elicit help from others may indicate that they’re stuck in the attach/cry-for-help response. So how can we better recognize this […]
Is Your Patient “Feeling” Unworthy? What May Be the Underlying Cause, with Janina Fisher, PhD
Trauma can leave a patient with a deep sense of unworthiness. On top of that, your client might even blame themselves for feeling this way. But as we know, there’s always a purpose behind a patient’s response to trauma. And sometimes, the challenge is getting your patient to see the wisdom behind their response – […]
A Mistake Practitioners Might Make When Their Patient Is Stuck in the “Attach/Cry-for-Help” Response
We know fight, flight, and freeze . . . . . . but recently the experts have identified several more defense responses to trauma, including “attach/cry-for-help.” This response is potentially the least understood, and it can be challenging to work with. And according to Kathy Steele, MN, CS, there’s a common mistake that practitioners make […]