Could changing the way you eat help you think more clearly, learn more quickly, and make it easier for you to focus?
While it’s probably not too surprising to hear that diet and brain health can often go hand in hand, what you might find curious is that some of the things you think about cutting down on may actually be especially good for our brains.
In this video clip, Daniel Amen, MD reveals the two things he believes we need to rethink when it comes to good brain health – and it might surprise you.
Check it out below, it’s only 4 minutes.
You can hear more about how important diet is for brain health in our Practical Brain Science webinar series.
How do you keep your brain healthy? Please share your experience in the comments.
WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching
for brain
I have been a successful mental health therapist for years and have enjoyed my profession. One thing I have never been able to conquer is fibromyalgia which comes with many and various symptoms. I meditate but probably not enough. I have been 95% Vegan for the past two years and Vegetarian for over 30 years. I have a happy life; I feel I have a good attitude and good people in my life. I need suggestions on being able to deal with the stress that comes from these various symptoms.
Dietarily, I eat mostly organic, I take supplements, I exercise at least four times a week.
Thank you.
Hello Ms Allen,
Have you considered hypnotherapy? I know I have helped clients overcome suffering from fibromyalgia as have many of my colleagues in the field.
Best Intentions,
Kweethai Neill
I have suffered from Fibro, chronic pain fatigue for as long as I can remember. I was very close to suicide 12/13 and my psychiatrist encouraged me to do more research. Thankfully, I discovered “WHAT YOUR DOCTOR MAY NOT TELL YOU ABOUT FIBROMYALGIA, BY R.PAUL ST AMAND, WHO IS A UCLA professor. For the first time, I felt understood. Check out the FOBROMYALGIA TREATMENT CENTER. He and his office and online support group has helped over 10,000 patients from all over the world. Protocol must be followed strictly, but is worth it!!
I downloaded the book on my iPad and felt better just knowing there was hope. Sending love, blessings, and joy. Joann
On a holiday in the Netherlands a pharmacist suggested (when he heard of my cancervirus) to take not only extra vitamins D but also tto take capsules with an extract of green tea that had 95 % min.of
I was already informed about the benifits green tea should have against cancer and also drinking it for a while.But to have influence we should drink many,many…cups : he said .EGCG was important and he made that drug.
I must admit that by taking those drugs it had a good side effect I felt much better in my something cleared up.
My neurologist didn’t know the product but had no objections.But I have not the same effect by just drinking a few cups of tea.
I knew there was a reason I wouldn’t, didn’t give up butter. I love eggs, and eat fish and lamb maybe one out of ten meals with plant based meals making up the rest.
I am still healing from a concussion—my brain still seems so tired. I am healing after almost 2 years…tapping affirmations….lots has helped…I still experience such brain fog…I keep being told I need to relax and be patient…any suggestions please. thank you
I work with a company that has the only all natural herbal remedy which activates Nrf2 in our cells to eliminate free radicals at a ratio of 1:1 mil. If you are interested in learning more let me know. We don’t treat, diagnose, claim to cure or mitigate but educate people on the underlying process called oxidative stress which is the route cause of over 200 non communicable diseases. We have a great story, if you are interested in learning more about the company too, please let me know.
Maybe you can give a link?
Thank you for doing the webinar. I desparately want to listen to the webinar, but we follow GMT+2. 5:00pm EST makes it 12:00 midnight here in South Africa. I am on medication which requires me to sleep at 10:00 pm. I only get to sleep at 11:00 pm. I can’t afford to lose more sleep. I hope that there will be a replay of the webinar.
After i was diagnosed with a bad virus that causes cervical cancer a few years ago i became interested in food.I read the book from Beliveau and Dr. Med. Denis Gingras :
” Les alliments contre le cancer” translated in different languages( food against cancer…..)
They talk also about the good fats ,omega 3….
I hope with extra vitamine D and following the book to give my immune system a boost.
There is no medication against that virus so…’just give it a try.this was nearly 4 years ago…..
The importance of food is clear to me.
Another important book for me is from Dr.David Servan Schreiber who was diagnosed with BRAIN cancer : anticancer a new life style where he also has a chapter about food.
On youtube :
DR.DAVID SERVAN SCHREIBER S remarkable story he also talks about food ,sugar….’
Personally I do not find that my brain works better .
But after that diagnoses i got 2 strokes .I had several dicussions with my neurologist and i think he has a totaly different meaning about cholesterol as doctor Amen .
I once confronted him with an article in a german magazine that said a bit like dr Amen said but if i would like to have a third stroke a had to think so .
difficult as a patient to know what should i do.
Excellent information, thank you!! Any information about the right food, overall for our brains is just the most precious thing for me…at the end the most important treasure in our lives is to have a clear mind and a peaceful heart!
Wonderful, thank you very much, since half a year I am using oils.
3 times a day a spoon and my energy level is so much better.
So I can feel that this is the truth for my body.
Love to hear more in the webinar.
I do computer games, Fit Brains , dance, go to work, volunteer in church, visit my children and grandchildren, go,out with friends, watch movies, socisukize, have friends’family over, travel a lot with my husband “ni also take custom vitamin formula daily .
I agree with Patricia. I am a busy person and I would like to know when the webinars will be webcasted. That way, I can make a decision whether to watch or make other arrangements.
The webinar will be broadcast at 5 PM Eastern time on Wednesdays.
I am always sorry when we are invited to a worthwhile show….such as this series, and are NOT TOLD what time of day it will be broadcast.
Apparently I am alone in having another life to plan…besides sitting at home in front of the computer?
Too Bad, So Sad.
As an eating disorder therapist, this presentation shows how the low fat diets that anorexics follow helps to contribute to their depression, low libido and sometimes agression. Their hormones are already out of balance and maybe this is why.
This fat/oil issues is particularly important with regard to metabolic rate—slow, normal, fast. Fast metabolizers can die of heart problems when they do not have enough food, including a good ration of oil/fat, as the body when it runs out of food eats muscle, and the heart is a muscle. There are simple
surveys of 30 to 50 questions that will give a result as to slow, normal, and fast, and some more than others are accompanied by a recommended food list for each. I may not have lived had I not been
tested for this. Fast metabolizers are often movers and shakers as they can keep going on a cookie or two. I had gotten down to 6% body fat, and it took two years of eating olive oil on everything and eating fatty food to get up to 18%. This advice of Amen’s is critical for fast metabolizers, and important for everyone as the media hype around no fat is intense! Thank you Dr. Amen!
Suddenly I’m going to make a note that many can think is not the moment or place to do it, but anyway, I kindly suggest to the webminar managers that wuold be of a great help to ask the people who talk, either the interviewing or the one who ask the questions, to vocalize as much as they can, since for many of those who english is not our mother tongue, could understand much better. The entonation or the differente places way of talking of the people, make a great difference and many times is hard to understand them. Well, I know that it is to ask to much…. but would be nice for a better use of the valueable information you’ll give in the webinar. Thanks.
I found the talk to be very interesting and am looking forward to hearing the next talk.
Dr Amens lecture is really informative.About fats ,suger and brain direct relation.
Regarding chloestrol was something new to me.Frankly l din not quite make it.
Plz continue your goodness for needy people in particular .There can be many
budgeted like like me .
Yes, I would like to hear and earn more. Thank you.
It will be great!! I agree, sugar is the problem, it’s like a poison…
Bravo Ruth, and thank you! This is a fascinating video from Dr. Amen and I am encouraged by the myth-busting he presents. I am looking forward to the webinar with increased enthusiasm! Very appreciative of the free access and the incredible ease in the sign-up process. The site(s) and webinar information are well laid out and user-friendly. Great job on that front as well, Ruth. Unbelievable amount of expertise you have gathered for us. Many thanks.
Wow, I didn’t know our brains are 60% FAT! Thank you, Dr. Amen. I’ve cut out sugar and wheat and I’m eating lots of good fats. AND I’ve lost inches around my waist without changing anything else. Happy to know good fats are good for my brain.
Looking forward to this webinar!
Bravo Ruth!
Bravo Dr Amen!
I am so happy that the colestorol myth is being discussed here!
Already in 2010 the Danish MD and PhD Uffe Ravnskov published a book about this myth. I do not want to put in a link here although it would not be an affiliate link.
You can easily find by searching for his name and he is also present at Wikipedia.
Basically he is saying that we have been told a blatant lie about cholesterol and now Dr Amen says much the same.
I am looking forward to hearing more on the webinar!
Best wishes
Also, Dr. Perlmutter, neurologist has a great book out called Grain Brain The surprising truth about wheat, carbs and sugar – your brains silent killers. This seems to me to be. As big as The Silent Spring was by Rachel Carson a generation ago for our environment.
This is the best thing on the Web . We need more free things that are truly helpful to the average person who are seeking to enhance their lives. Money has been a barrier to my getting the proper help for my COMPLEX TRAUMA BRAIN. Our government would prefer to keep people like myself, unemployable, it seems. All the types of therapies that actually work, are not in a price range for someone who is on a disability pension and struggles to get well due to unavailable treatments . Although the price of the gold package is so good, it is still out of my range at this time, so I am eternally grateful for the FREE (DOM)
Getting instructions on how to change the brain from a negative to a positive one and healing trauma once and for all is something I have longed for, for many years now.. Thank You. ALL THE BEST TO EVERYONE’S JOURNEY
I think what’s needed is moderation, whether for fat, sugar, whatever, unless a medical restriction.
Thank U Ruth,
I found very interesting a short video clip from Dr.Daniel Amen on how fatty food and sugar affects healthiness of our brain. it is really a very good lesson, otherwise we will not be knowing about this.