There is a new and surprising supporter of complementary and alternative medicine − the United States military.
Working with soldiers can be challenging – especially since we are often not familiar with their environment.
After getting countless emails we realized this video has touched many people, and so we wanted to repost it.
And actually, to our surprise – it’s been viewed by some pretty “high-ups” in the military.
In it, Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, shares a story about how she worked with 1st Sergeant Dave Rauls to create a guided imagery introduction that military personnel really get. I think you’ll be surprised by the ending.
If you have a soldier in your practice, or in your life, you think would benefit from this video, you can share it by sending them this link:
We’ll talk a whole lot more about guided imagery and the mind-body medicine approach to trauma in our Rethinking Trauma Webinar Series.
We had a great discussion around this video the first time we released it. Now we want to hear from you. Please share your thoughts with a comment below.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This video cannot be viewed on my office ‘ s computer. Can you please send it to my personal e-mail?
Thanks and regards,
Gül Dabak
Your blog never ceases to amaze me, it is very well written and organized.~`’-:
What a gift.
Thank you.
i have noticed you are from lexington ky. i relocated back to lexingron 2-years ago after 15 years in melbourne australia and asia where i studied mindfulness in chiang mai thialand and nepal over a three year period and studied and was certified in mbsr in melbourne at openground which is sanctioned by jon kabat-zinn…..i would love to make contact and catch up with you…..tom clark
I believe that many vets will respond positively to the ‘no-nonsense’ introduction.
It’s time for Post Traumatic Stress Healing Programs such as these to be recognised.
Best wishes to Dave and his family.
Thankyou for sharing it Belleruth and Ruth.
Dearest Karen,I loved the cd you referred to by belterulh. It really helped me stay calm and prepare for my knee surgery. I am deeply moved by your generosity in sharing your healing journey. You are an inspiration in more ways than you can know. I am sending you hugs and love. thinking of you tons-ellenps will be thinking of funny movies to send you way. xoxo
I’ve just watched (listened to) this video and have tears in my eyes. I work with serving and ex-military members who have any number of Operational Stress Injuries and will pass this on to all of them. It’s so heartening to see professionals listening to those who suffer and incorporating what they need into what is offered to them. Kudos to Dave, George and Belleruth, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.