Each passing year brings its own unique blend of ups, downs, and “in-betweens”. . .
. . . but ultimately, I often find myself feeling so blessed and grateful this time of year as I reflect back over it all.
I’ve made some wonderful new friends, managed to stay in touch with those who are dear to me, and branched out in some new and exciting directions with NICABM.
And as the holiday season rolls back around again, one of the things that brings me the most fulfillment is having the opportunity to give back.
It’s interesting – studies have shown that certain parts of the brain actually light up when we give. And giving can also release oxytocin in the brain – a “feel good” hormone that helps counteract stress, reduce cravings, and even speed healing.
For the past three years, I’ve been so honored to be able to set substantial goals for NICABM’s charitable giving, and this year is no different.
Here’s what we’ve given:
- $27,000 – Smile Train
- $25,000 – Save the Children (to feed Syrian children caught in the refugee crisis)
- $22,742 – Direct Relief (for medical supplies and aid to survivors of the super-typhoon in the Philippines)
- $22,000 – buildOn
- $21,000 – Citizen’s Foundation (to help educate children in Pakistan)
- $5,000 – Windham Region No Freeze Shelter
- $5,000 – Covenant Soup Kitchen
- $5,000 – Connecticut Public Broadcasting
- $5,500 – Human Rights Campaign
- $2,000 – WAIM
- $2,000 – FINCA
- $2,000 – Salvation Army
- $2,000 – Southern Poverty Law Center
- $1,000 – Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
- $1,000 – Amnesty International
- $1,000 – Sierra Club
- $1,000 – Amherst NPR Station
- $1,000 – WGBH
- $1,000 – Oxfam America
- $1,000 – Washington DC Insight Meditation
- $1,000 – GLAD
- $1,000 – Human Rights Watch
- $1,000 – Windham Hospital Foundation
- $1,000 – CT Audubon Society
- $1,000 – Mansfield Holiday Fund
- $1,000 – AmeriCares
- $1,000 – International Rescue Committee
- $700 – National Alliance on Mental Illness
- $500 – Taylor University
- $500 – Michigan State University
- $500 – Alzheimer’s Association
- $500 – Provincetown Art Association & Museum
- $100 – Susan G. Komen
- $100 – Women for Women
- $100 – Our Companions
- $100 – Windham Textile & History Museum
Total: $163,342
I’m already looking forward to what we’ll be able to do next year.
And coming up soon, we’ll be telling you about our Holiday Special. We’ll not only significantly reduce the price of one of our programs, we’ll also give half of the proceeds to charity.
But which one? Well, it’s tradition for the staff here at NICABM to choose, and I’ll let you know how the voting went very soon.
So how about you? Whether you choose to donate money, time, or simply help a friend in need, what’s your favorite way to give back? Please let us know in the comment section below.
I have adopted families in our community for the past 4-5 years. This year I adopted three girls from ages 1 1/2 to 9 and one boy age 13. I have a lot of fun shopping for the girls since all my grandchildren and great grandchildren are boys. The boy was a last minute request, otherwise he wouldn’t have Christmas presents under the tree. I also this year donated my time and equipment to embroider names for 28 foster children coats for their special Christmas. When I was growing up we would sometimes not get anything for Christmas other than a pair of gloves or scarf to keep us warm, sometimes it was just clothes donated from the church. How excited we were about those boxes of hand me downs. As a 71 year old individual who still works, I was able to take my 93 year old mother a plate of food from our Christmas dinner to her home and set with her while she ate Christmas dinner. I feel I am blessed.
Thanks, it is interesting. And it would be interesting to learn how people become non-givers and what percentage of the population ended up there.
I’m thrilled to see Save the Children on your list! I’ve seen their work first hand, and personally know the dedication of a couple key people here in Canada, and I can’t say enough about their organization and the programs that they help get off the ground.
My favorite way to give back. I must say I have made charitable donations, and one is to do that when I get home after an experience of something wonderful,~~~~ but I think the best way is still cooking in me (to be influenced by people I have met, to let their circumstances change me). One favorite is to look at a person who I find annoying, and see them from a completely different light, one that is compassionate and loving. It’s my favorite, because right then, my grumpiness turns into a feeling of all is well, and I do believe that it’s a small start to improving the overall atmosphere for everyone around me! Also simple ways, like shoveling a neighbor’s driveway. . . .Thank you for asking.
Thank you, Ruth, for all you do. I personally believe that giving is so fundamental to our life’s journey. I donate my time to a non-profit organization where I do brain seminars. They have expanded enormously as I find many folks are very interested in the brain and behavior. They leave saying they feel hopeful that they are not flawed individuals, but brain wiring has led to certain behaviors and personality traits, and they are delighted to know that they can change their brains and change their lives.
My husband and I also give to various charities, one of our favorite being World Vision, where we sponsor a young boy in the Philippines.
I am a weaver and knitter, and make prayer shawls which I give to those going through a difficult time in life. It delights my heart to give these prayer shawls away.
I am also a spiritual director, and I see directees for no fee. In lieu of charging a fee I invite them to choose a charity of their choice and make a donation in the amount they deem appropriate. This has been well received and my clients seem to delight in this option.
Congratulations Ruth to you and the NICABM team for all of the important work you do. I have so enjoyed and learned a lot from the NICABM courses I’ve participated in. Congrats as well on all of your “Giving Back”. I choose to give of my time through volunteer mentoring and coaching as well as giving money to charities whose values and missions I support.
All the best to you and the NICABM team in 2014, Pam
I am most impressed to see the range of organizations that have been assisted by NICABM – congratulations.
A local tertiary organization called TsIBA (Tertiary School in Business Administration) offers a 4 year degree to disadvantaged local students – the full course is given free of charge as long as the students pass their exams. I have volunteered in various capacities including teaching, tutoring and mentoring. Last year I mentored a young man which involves spending 40 hours with him during the course of the year sharing my skills and my network with him. Along the way I learned about some interesting cultural practices of our local Xhosa nation.
Bliss and Blessings to each and everyone of you every day of the year.
Thank you for all that you and NICABM do for the world via the very generous donations…NICABM is indeed an organization with a Big Heart… and vision.
I give my time… I am on the Disaster Mental Health Team of our local Red Cross chapter, which is a volunteer position. In that capacity, I have responded to disasters at the local, State, and National levels. Also for the Red Cross, I address envelopes and stuff “thank you” letters into them in response to the generous outpouring of funds and assistance from our community. I also treat people pro bono who have been referred to me by the local Homeless Person’s Health Project.
I’m impressed with the donations and pleased that my little purchase helped toward that end. Good on you!
Audubon was misspelled, or else the Society in CT spells it differently from how John James Audubon spelled his name.
Hi Janie,
Thank you very much for letting us know about the misspelling. It has since been updated.
Happy holidays!
– Katelin, NICABM Staff
Love is the key to all happiness and fulfillment we must learn to love pursing first and answer to a spiral guide namaste
Interesting that I contribute to so many of the same charities!
May you be blessed for all your charitable giving.
Ruth you are a blessing. You beam! What a powerful difference you are making in the world. Thank you.
This is quite impressive. I did not know how much NICABM gave away. My request is that you offer us several programs to choose from at a discount. After having ordered and paid for so many, I would like to have the choice of programs I could not afford, such as the last Mindfulness program. I only got to see a few on Wednesday evenings, and would like to see the others, to review them all. Best would be if we could tune into them online rather than have all the CD’s etc mailed to us. Can you sell, at a discount, the links to the videos, and the written materials? That would save you on mailing!! An idea….!
Thank you for all you have given.
That’s an astute answer to a tricky quotisen
First of all, I want to thank you for your magnificent work at NICABM. – it’s priceless!
My favorite gift is time. I mean being present, listening, sharing. Delivering someone a feeling of being cared for, loved. That is, he/she is worthy; and will most likely give this gift forwards.
I wish everyone a great holiday season and lots of positive, joyous surprises in the year to come!
Let’s enjoy every moment in Joy,