From a young age, I was taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive . . .
. . . and over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom behind those simple words.
You see, one of the founding principles of NICABM is to give back and do what we can to make this world a better place.
And I can vouch for how gratifying it is to support the good work that so many people and organizations are doing.
So I’m sharing our list here in the hopes that it will inspire others.
Here’s what we’ve given this year:
- $70,187 – Save The Children (to feed children in Yemen)
- $25,000 – Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
- $20,000 – UCONN Foundation
- $16,000 – The Citizens Foundation
- $6,000 – Amnesty International
- $6,000 – Covenant Soup Kitchen
- $6,000 – Windham Area Interfaith Ministry
- $6,000 – Windham No Freeze Shelter
- $5,000 – Community Foundation of Eastern CT (Windham Womens and Girls Fund)
- $5,000 – Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network
- $5,000 – Direct Relief
- $5,000 – GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders)
- $5,000 – Habitat for Humanity
- $5,000 – Holy Family Home & Shelter
- $5,000 – Human Rights Campaign
- $5,000 – Human Rights Watch
- $5,000 – International Rescue Committee
- $5,000 – Joshua’s Trust
- $5,000 – Oxfam America
- $5,000 – Salvation Army
- $5,000 – Smile Train
- $2,000 – Barre Center for Buddhist Studios
- $2,000 – Benton Art Museum
- $2,000 – Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC
- $2,000 – Middlesex Community College
- $2,000 – Sierra Club
- $2,000 – World Wildlife Foundation
- $1,030 – UCONN Foundation
- $1,000 – Alzheimers Association
- $1,000 – America Near East Refugee Aid
- $1,000 – Mansfield Downtown Partnership
- $1,000 – Michigan State University
- $1,000 – NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health)
- $1,000 – Provincetown Art Association and Museum
- $1,000 – Provincetown Film Society
- $1,000 – Taylor University
- $500 – Mansfield Holiday Fund
- $210 – Charity Water
- $125 – The Vernon Chorale
Total: $242,052 -
As I look over this list, I already hope to exceed this next year.
That’s why we’ll be announcing our Holiday Special very shortly.
It’s a favorite tradition at NICABM to lower the price of one of our programs and more importantly, give half of the proceeds to charity.
I’ll have more to say about that soon.
But in the meantime, I’d love to hear about the good work that you support during this season of giving. Please tell me about it in the comments below.
How do you select the charities you donate to?
Dear Ruth,
Wow what a GREAT list to help so many. This comment is sent from Tasmania / Australia. Today during my lunch break, I was reading as normal; however, came across this title to help the Syrian Refugee Children. The book that I have purchased is called “Home Drawings by Syrian Children” and proceeds from the sale of this book will support “World Vision’s” early childhood and basic education projects in Syria, Lebanon, Jordon and Iraq.
I hope you considerer firstly purchasing this book and also sending this message through your own networks.
Best wishes,
How brilliant, that is very impressive. As for me:
(Worcester, UK)
Age Uk Reconnections Pilot – tackling loneliness and isolation in the over 50’s
Finding a Christmas meal / company for those alone on Christmas Day and linking them up.
Donations of gifts for the children of families in hardship, having to rely on the Foodbank at Christmas.
Voluntary member of Hospital Chaplaincy team. Pastoral visits, giving of Communion.
Well done!
Save the Children through voluntary work
Centre Point
Kew Gardens
Water aid
Entrepreneurs through Care in action
Eldorado Textiles Project in Diadema Eldorado, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conselho de Cidadania do Reino Unido CCRU through voluntary work
Facebook recently donated $2.00 towards a fundraiser of my choice for my birthday on Dec. 23rd. I chose our local humane society and kicked off the fundraiser with a small contribution. Wonderful and generous friends quickly hit the $200.00 target. I’m grateful for the energy and efforts of the shelter volunteers and the generosity of my friends.
I know this is a small gesture, however I believe that every little thing can make a difference.
Being an animal lover, having adopted 20 stray dogs and 10 stray cats (not all at once, over the past 30 years), always wanting to do more to help yet realizing that I can’t take in every stray animal is what moves me to support those who help.
Interesting how giving is such an amazing way to receive , especially love. Animals have been so unconditionally loving! I’m motivated by their love and inspired by the many selfless volunteers to do what I’m capable of to help.
Thank you for this opportunity to share.
May the blessings be.
How inspiring that you commit to charities…! I’m heartened by your generosity and compassion, but not at all surprised. I hope the season is good to you and those you love.
It makes me proud to be associated with you guys. Thanks for all your guidance in 2018. Best wishes for the season.
Meri Kirihimete from New Zealand Ruth. I’ve subscribed to several of your courses this year and enjoyed them all. I didn’t realise part of my investment included towards these donations and feel proud to be part of the NICABM family supporting others – thank you.
What a thoughtful and extensive list! I am finding that donating my time helps me understand and appreciate both the agencies and the recipients more deeply. This year that has meant giving some time to an organization that provides services for homeless families within the local schools. And working with immigrants from Central America and Mexico, including with interfaith immigrant allies. The need is enormous in New Mexico and other border states. It means I have less time for seeing clients, but it opens my heart.
I support the work of Gestalt Pastoral Care Associates, Inc., a non-profit ministry which uniquely blends prayer, spiritual companioning, and Gestalt growth work in the healing process. For over 30 years this blended healing modality has helped hundreds of persons to heal through psychological, physical, emotional and social wounds. It is a blessing to give to Gestalt Pastoral Care Associates, Inc! Thank you, Ruth, for the opportunity to share!
Glad they incorporate social wounds, will consider giving to them. Thanks for your post.
Ruth you’re absolutely right, giving to others is a blessing! Here are some of the organizations my husband and I enjoy sharing our blessings with: Equal Justice Institute, Southern Poverty Law Center, Alzheimers Organization, Heifer, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, American Cancer Society, American Heart Assn., Northeast Minneapolis Arts Assn., Bridging, Planned Parenthood, The Greater Good at UC Berkeley, International Rescue Committee, Brianna’s Gift, Environment Minnesota, MN Architectural Foundation, Wild Ones… We are reviewing our giving list this week and writing checks. Wishing y’all a peaceful holiday and a Happy New Year!
As someone who has provided mental health services to the most poor and disenfranchised this absolutely warms my heart! It’s wonderful to see the diverse selection of organizations that have received donations from NICABM. I believe my primary purpose is to serve others, and I truly appreciate all of the knowledge I have received from NICABM and pass onto my clients. Thank you for all that you do!
Kudos to you for inventing a holiday of JOY! That’s inspiring. Thank you for sharing it!
God’s Eternal Blessings to You and Yours.
That is so beautiful and touching. And makes life and work so useful. Thankyou.
Thanks for all you do with the top people in their fields & your contributions to these organizations.
Thank you for your giving and sharing the list, as it gives ideas for blessing those wonderful organization helping others in need.
RUTH in my heart it’s imperative to give..
in our JEWISH religion the word “charity “and justice” have the same meaning.
To give is to try to make life “just “ for those less fortunate.
It’s not a choice.. it’s a a necessity.
Having suffered physically emotionally as a child I know this inside my gut.
Bravo for your good work!
I do find gratification in giving. When I am grateful for all I have, because it’s all I need, I move into an easy balance.
My finances are in total disarray. Yet I find a way to pay my rent and utilities on a little ‘bingalo’ in a homeless and Meth Jackal neighborhood. I know some of them personally, and by name.
You see, this home of my own was Hard Faught to attain, and a Celebration of Ecstatic Joy when Won!
Now I have the ability- now that I have emerged from a Perilous Four Years of Homelessness- to begin gathering back and wearing the Me I KNOW Who Got Lost over the past 14 years. Fell on ‘hard times’ does not fit. Couldn’t Cope Too Much Pain of Tragic Losses Back-to-Back. (Dec 4, 2004 & Jan 24, 2005).
ISOLATED due to recent move and no human connections yet. Only care from Family was Only sibling, brother Corp Atty and Mother (then 80, now 94) was extended in Resentment, Judgement, Conditions, Neglect, Abandonment. Emotional and Psychological Battery. Violent.
These have been MY life all these 14 years.
After the Relentless Above Treatment Finally Placed me into Abject Terror with Total Disenfranchisement of all Life’s Possessions Like Flood or Fire, I endured nearly 4 years without my own Place to Dwell. Sacrificed my 2 Fur Friends, Mr Kitty (17) & Mojo, to be adopted and Fled across the country to the only person of love and care I had aquired in the 10 years of Trying to Find Recovery of Me.
Still wading through the Muck and clearing the Debris of my Shattered Life. I am remembering, Daily, more and more Who I Was. Who I Am.
I am Lyndel Vivan Fullen. I am a Woman of Huge Heart, Immense Courage, Amazing Stamina, Emotional Intelligence. I am now 67. I knew a life with My husband, William D Fullen, for only 7 years. He was/is still, the Family I sought for 47 years and found. He gave me Me. He gave me Himself. He Shared So Generously All the Things More Valuable than things.
When he died with 2 months’ notice, at 55, I was 53.
The month following his passing, I was given a Cancer diagnosis of what the Dr said was a ‘fat lump’ of my upper R Thigh, Groin. The malignant Sarcoma was wrapped around my Femoral Artery. Slow to grow. No pain. Large. Had destroyed 3 muscles.
You may see more of Me on Facebook. Lyndel Vivan Fullen.
610 Highland Ave NE
Salem, OR 97301
I had a washer and dryer donated from requesting help on local sale site. The washer didn’t work. Now I need help getting the set out of here.
I have no car yet. Take buses and hire taxies. Sometimes take Amtrak to attend to 3 year long Court issue of DUI 30 miles south in Lebanon. Blew a .02 after being arrested when my explanation of an equilibrium problem (4 years now) was construed as Noncompliance on the Citation. Had No Defender,brother gave unsound legal advice to plead No Contest. Last Court Hearing on this Unwarrented, Persistently Impossible For Me, Charge? A Sentence Order to Report within 10 days to Albany Linn County Sheriff’s Jail to do 45 days. I chose Dec 7th, a weekday, 9 days to what? Dissolve all gains of past 6 months? Lose my Life again? My home? My pets (2 cats and puppy)?
I spiraled into depression and Suicidal Ideation. I fought hard to maintain emotional balance. Three months ago,
I learned from a Personal Injury Atty, that my brother committed Fraud in 2010, when he led me to believe he was Conservator of Me. Two year Statute of Limitations.
It was Trespassing and Theft when he gutted my duplex apt and took all to Goodwill and the Dump. My purse was Vandalized two days before Fleeing on Amtrak to Ohio. My brother ‘took care of Lyndi’ the following weekend. What would he have done with me staying and beholding his ruination of my life? Watch me run in front of a train that passes nearby? Perhaps that would be a Satisfying Solution to the Problem He Got Stuck With….
Thank you for giving to those most vulnerable.
I founded an abuse center in El Salvador and hopefully next year I can be on your list!
Hello, I wholeheartedly support Safe Families For Children. A new chapter has launched in the DFW area where I volunteer as a Family Coach Supervisor. It is a non-profit movement of trained volunteers, professionally supported in showing hospitality and compassion, Jesus style, to families in crisis. It is all about family preservation and permanency, restoration, and relationship. This is an amazing effort that keeps children from entering the foster system.
Safe Families is amazing! May God bless your efforts!
So good to see my Alma Mater, Taylor University, on our list. Also Salvation Army and several others that I support. I’m glad to be on board!
Curious as to the rationale behind giving charitably to Michigan State and Taylor Univerisities. Any insights are welcomed. Understanding of privacy as well.
Thank you, Ruth, for sharing this special outreach. I appreciate you and the quality of your work. You are making a difference for good.
I know of a newly developed supportive group for mother’s and children who live in hovels under a bridge. The focus of support is to bring clean water and provision for educating the mother’s and children to be able to be self supporting beyond prostitution. I’d like to facilitate the head of this group contacting you? Are you open to considering new applicants?
Best Wishes,
Wow! God bless you! I support this organization. The Gounder has been a speaker at my school. Matt Gewirtz is a tru humanitarian.
Good work! It makes your already unique courses even better. However, I am still looking for a practictioner (Trauma Focus) in England – preferably on the South Coast. Greetings of the Season to all – Peace on earth to all wo/men!
Hello Christina. Betsy de Thierry is developing some amazing work in the U.K. check out the Trauma Recovery Centre? May set you in the right direction even if she is not offering exactly what you are looking for.
Christina, there are Somatic Experiencing Practitioners in the U.K. as well as Brainspotting Practitioners. Both professional organizations have practitioners listed on their websites. Wishing you well finding what’s needed.