It Doesn’t Matter How Great Mindfulness Is If You Can’t Get Your Patients to Try It
Learn How to Get Anyone Eager to Use Mindfulness with Expert Strategies That Work with Even the Busiest and Most Skeptical Patients
Do you have patients who are:
- Too busy to try mindfulness?
- Skeptical?
- Unmotivated?
- Unable or unwilling to sit still long enough?
There once was a super busy executive who was under such intense pressure that he’d lost all sense of meaning and purpose.
He was miserable . . .
. . . his stress got so severe that he could barely manage his job . . . and nothing he tried helped.
So his therapist introduced a mindfulness intervention. But it wasn’t working – the executive would try it, keep it up for a few days, but then fall off the wagon.
What if you could introduce mindfulness to your patients in a way that got past their resistance and overcame their obstacles to meditation?
In a recent survey, you told us that getting patients to try mindfulness was a big challenge. Patients don’t understand it or think it’s too weird. They don’t realize the benefits. They don’t have enough time. Or they simply think they can’t sit still long enough to do it.
You also told us you wished you knew how to approach different kinds of patients with mindfulness – men and women, children and adolescents.
Do you have any patients like that? Patients who could transform their lives with mindfulness meditation if only they’d give it a try?
Maybe it’s not that your patients are too busy – maybe they believe mindfulness is boring, or they’re turned off because they associate it only with the New Age movement, or maybe they just want you to give them a pill.
So how did this therapist get around the barriers? He tried a surprising approach. Nothing drastic – just one practice.
When the businessman saw that this was actually giving him skills that improved his day, he went on to embrace more mindfulness practices.
Now, for the first time in years, he’s dramatically reduced his stress level, he’s reconnected to what actually matters, and it’s transformed his life.
Over and over again, practitioners have told us that, in addition to the deep truths of mindfulness, they want help getting it into people’s lives. They want to know how to:
- Introduce Mindfulness to Any Client (What to Say, and How to Say It)
- Motivate Different Types of Patients with Easy, Quick, and Effective Techniques
- Help Patients Stick with It to Sustain Mindfulness Over the Long Haul
- Help Busy Clients Find Time for Mindfulness
Meet Marsha Lucas, PhD. . .
Marsha Lucas, PhD is a licensed psychologist with over 20 years of experience practicing psychotherapy. She’s the author of Rewire Your Brain for Love: Creating Vibrant Relationships Using the Science of Mindfulness.
Dr. Lucas is well-versed in the art of adapting her approach to receptive and resistant clients alike – and she knows the ways to motivate them to stay with the practice. She’s dedicated herself and her work to helping clients live richer, fuller, more mindful lives.
. . . and Elisha Goldstein, PhD
Elisha Goldstein, PhD is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Los Angeles. He teaches mindfulness both in his own practice and as part of InsightLA, an organization devoted to making mindful change a reality. Dr. Goldstein designed the 12-week Mindfulness at Work™ program currently being conducted in multinational corporations, and is the author of The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life.
He’s an expert at knowing which mindfulness exercises to pair with which clients to encourage them to begin the practice and inspire them to keep at it.
With your needs in mind, we created: Overcoming Obstacles to Mindfulness An In-Depth Program Designed to Take You into the Nitty-Gritty of Using Mindfulness With Even the Most Challenging Patients

How to Introduce Mindfulness to Any Client (What to Say, and How to Say It)
- Two Ways to Use the Triangle of Awareness
- The “Hard Sell” – Special Strategies for Working with Skeptics
- How to Introduce Mindfulness: What to Say and When to Say It
- Introductory Practices for Beginning Patients
- Answering the Question: “But How Do I Do It?”
- Using the Body as a Barometer of Feelings
- Helping Patients Break Out of Autopilot
- How Mindfulness Can Help Turn Off the
“Panic Button”

Motivating Different Types of Patients with Easy, Quick, and Effective Techniques
- Does Gender Matter When Introducing Mindfulness?
- Quick Tips for Working with Kids and Teenagers
- When Motivation’s Not There: Helping Resistant Patients
- Beyond Words: When Talking Isn’t Useful
- Increasing Curiosity for Patients Who Just Want
a Pill - A Quick Exercise to Demonstrate the Benefits
of Mindfulness - The Mindful Check-In: A Two-Minute Exercise
- One Way to Answer the “I’m too Busy” Excuse

Sticking With It: Sustaining Mindfulness Over the Long Haul
- Sticking With It: Keeping Motivation Alive Over Time
- When Meditation Fails: Getting Patients Back on Track
- Quick and Simple Exercises that Work Between Office Visits
- Flexible Meditation for Patients Who Can’t Find
a Quiet Spot - How Mindfulness Primes Us to Handle
Out-of-Control Circumstances - Preparing Patients to Face the Everyday Obstacles of Mindfulness
- Two Ways to Cue Our Minds to Practice Regularly

How to Help Busy Clients Find Time for Mindfulness
- Using Informal Awareness to Strengthen Mindfulness Practice
- Simple Exercises Clients Can Do Anywhere, Any Time
- Getting to Mindfulness through the “Side Door”
- Helping Busy Clients Find Time to Meditate
- Thirty Seconds A Day To Meditate? No Problem
- Ten Minute Exercises: Stocking Your
Mindfulness Toolkit - Fitting Mindfulness Into Any Theoretical
Four Experts Give You Short, Focused Snapshots of Their Approach
We practice alone, and so sometimes it helps to hear what other people are doing in their work. That’s why we went to the experts – pioneers in our field who are regularly using mindfulness interventions with their patients and seeing success. In this series of videos, leading experts pull back the curtain and share the approaches they use in their own work.
Session 1
How They Introduce Mindfulness to Their Patients
Christopher Germer, PhD Don’t Even Say the Word “Mindfulness”
Chris rarely uses the word mindfulness, but he does have two questions he routinely asks as a mindfulness therapist, and he gets into those in this video. He also tells how he uses mindfulness to help patients create space around their pain. Plus, he reveals mindfulness exercises he’s given to patients to use between sessions.
Rick Hanson, PhD Mindfulness: Aerobics for the Mind
Rick shares the first step he always considers when introducing mindfulness to his patients. He talks about what he does to make meditation seem natural to his patients and what he says to motivate clients to get started. Rick explains how he stays flexible to keep meditation from getting too precious.
Ron Siegel, PsyD To Gauge the Openness, Simply Ask
Learn how Ron introduces mindfulness to his patients from diverse religious and secular backgrounds. He’ll discuss how to begin mindfulness exercises with a patient who’s new to meditation and share one way he helps patients notice the immediate benefits of meditation.
Sylvia Boorstein, PhD A Focus on Being Wise
In this video, Sylvia shares one simple way to help open clients up to mindfulness. She reveals the question she asks that helps transform a person with problems into a person worthy of compassion. Finally, Sylvia tells one thing that is more important for her clients than being a good meditator – and how she helps them sustain it.
Session 2
How They Motivate Patients to Practice Regularly
Christopher Germer, PhD Less Work, More Play
What better way to encourage patients to sustain a practice than to try and keep it easy and pleasant? In this session, Chris explains three ways to reduce psychological obstacles to mindfulness, including what he calls the three-minute rule. Plus, he shares one key question he asks patients (and why it’s important to consider the answer).
Rick Hanson, PhD A Lot of Meditative Practices Were Developed by “Turtles” for “Turtles” and They Aren’t as Good for “Jackrabbits”
Meditation can be challenging, and Rick gets into three common problems his clients face when meditating and how he helps his clients overcome them. He’ll talk about how to help patients build up a greater capacity for experiencing the present. Plus, he shares what he does when working with patients who need greater stimulation when they’re trying to meditate.
Ron Siegel, PsyD Just Because It’s Hard Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Working
After trying to meditate regularly, many patients come back and say “this is hard.” Ron tells us why it can be so difficult for patients to meditate and what he frequently says to address this common complaint. He shares three things he uses to motivate his patients and support their practice.
Sylvia Boorstein, PhD Sitting Together in Spirit
In this session, Sylvia shares a unique method she uses with patients who want to meditate, but are having trouble staying motivated to practice regularly. She’ll talk about the power of keeping patients in mind outside of sessions as a part of her unusual approach to the buddy system.
Here’s what you’ll get . . .
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4 downloadable videos to watch each session at a time that's convenient for you |
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4 downloadable audios for listening on the go |
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4 professionally formatted transcripts - one of each session |
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8 expert snapshot videos with leading mindfulness teachers |
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8 audios of the expert snapshot sessions |
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5 BONUS practice-oriented how-to guides to print, study, or share with your patients |
Get 5 Bonus Reports
When You Register Today
The Trance of Unworthiness Revisited
Tara Brach, PhD
Five Obstacles to Mindfulness and How to Overcome Them
Sharon Salzberg, PhD
Mindfulness for Calming Fear: A Case Study
Marsha Lucas, PhD
Raising Mindful Children
Ron Siegel, PsyD
Elisha Goldstein, PhD
We’ll answer the tough questions practitioners have, like. . .
The benefits of mindfulness are too important to miss. Don’t buy into your patient’s obstacles.
There are ways around all the challenges you face – and we’re going to show you how. Marsha and Elisha will explain how to subtract a lot of the struggle and frustration out of the mindfulness equation to get even your most resistant patients on board.
Their methods are effective and easy.
It’s all within your reach. You’ll be able to help your patients find greater emotional resilience, increased empathy, improved creativity, and – most importantly – health and happiness.
We’ll show you how to overcome the challenges.
Get yourself and your patients to the next level of mindfulness by learning the practical essentials to overcoming resistance and creating valuable lifelong habits.
Here’s what practitioners had to say about these experts ...
“It has been inspiring to listen to the NICABM presentations; both for the academic as well as practical things learned…The NICABM [teleseminars have] become a brilliant resource for my professional growth. The programs over the years have consistently ‘hit a sweet spot’ with me and the resonance continues to enliven my approach to helping people live fuller lives.”
“Another fantastic lecture. Thank you. Although trained as a psychiatrist, my focus has always been on using psychotherapy to help the mind change its patterns. Dr. Goldstein’s exuberant outpouring of ideas and observations generated several approaches that I plan on focusing on. Although I have always recommended mindfulness meditation, I plan on making the techniques of a mindful approach an integral part of the sessions. In addition, I plan on encouraging people to come early to their appointments and practice clearing their minds. Helping people recognize that they can change the automatic way their mind operates seems to be essential. Thanks again.”
“I am always looking for easy ways for clients to practice mindfulness so they will actually do it in a repetitive way as a habit. I loved the red light idea, and of course, I already use the shower in the morning idea and work hard to integrate breathing practices. I work in schools with children and teens from age 5 to 20 and wonder about ideas to help children and teens to develop good regulation and mindful habits into daily practices.”

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