Free Resources
Our mission is to help practitioners get better outcomes more quickly with their clients. Here are a few free resources to help you get started.
What Resets Our Nervous System After Trauma?

Click here to access the free report on what resets our nervous system after trauma, by Peter Levine, PhD.
How Love Rewires the Brain

Click here to read about how love rewires the brain (and other romantic secrets of brain chemistry) by Norman Doidge, MD, PhD, Joan Borysenko, PhD & Bill O’Hanlon, MS, LMFT.
How Mindfulness Can Break the Cycle of Fear and Anger

Click here to see how Jack Kornfield uses the power of mindfulness to help break the cycle of fear and anger.
How to Introduce Mindfulness to Clients with Diverse Backgrounds

Click here to access the free report on how to introduce mindfulness to patients with diverse beliefs and backgrounds, by Ronald Siegel, PsyD.
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