I am just, newly, for the first time in my life, and I am 80 years old, moving into a place of kindness, most clearly being shown unbelievable respect and kindness from others – largely undeserved, my critical self would say – to a new kind of friendliness and playful conversational bantering with others and enjoinment of oneness with them.
I felt a deep sadness swell up in me… so much that it jetted out of my eyeballs with uncontrolled, leaking tears. I also felt compassion for some of my loved ones, witnessing in my minds’ eye the manifestation of their own trance of unworthiness’ in our connected lives together. When I added compassion to my awareness, I felt calm, at peace. The tears stopped immediately, my body calmed.
I at first felt undeserving of compassion. After doing the breathing sequence, I cut myself some slack by acknowledging all I had been through recently. I lost my spouse 6 months ago. I have been through a pandemic. I lost my closest friend 3 months ago and my mother-in-law, then my closest Aunt 2 months ago. I had major surgery 6 weeks ago. Anyone would have been frustrated, sad, disorganized, and have changing moods through all of that. I have actually done very well considering all of that. I deserve compassion and the opportunity to care for myself.
An image came up for me of a crying baby. Bringing kindness to this experience, I realised the baby was me, 45 years ago. I picked her up immediately and soothed and comforted her. Tears came to my eyes.
Thank you for sharing. I felt a deep sense of mental agitation and anxiety. Physically I feel sluggish and disconnected.
When I ask if I can sit with this at first I said no, I feel self shame and a need to do instead of allowing myself to just be.
Then I discovered that it is “ok” to be in this place and not expect so much from myself at this time.
Bringing kindness was very good for me. Kindness is empowering. True kindness & compassion illuminate a bigger world & a bigger world.
I like being my own best friend. Why not?? I also like being gracious to me since I know there is a God who has my back. But this was far from easy for me. For many years I was my own worst enemy.
Living like that is a waste of time!! I love living in Canada because our seasons clearly change..As the world outside changes, I know I can change. Lets be kinder to ourselves & being kinder to others will be much more natural. Good news!!
Very good. Very encouraging, enlightening but empowering in the sense my beliefs affect m life.if I change my beliefs, I will change my life. Good news!!
When I asked the second question: can I stay with my emptiness, not knowing where I belong and what am I doing, a sense of liquid heart feeling came to me, lukewarm water in the heart and just a beginning of a tear that choosed not to drop at the end. I felt as if I was my own child looking for appreciation.
Thank you for this . Bringing compassion to the feelings of tension allowed the tensión to become less important somehow and then the feeling simply melted away
I related to many of the feelings you described relating to feelings of Self-Worth, and I have done significant work on them during my 7 decades on this planet. Perhaps the most important thing I have been learning is that I am not separate from my Co-Creator, Higher Power, Mother*Father God, whatever name you relate to best. I was raised Catholic, and despite many good things that brought into my life, it also brought in many things I have had to unlearn, and I feel I have made and continue making good headway. Recently I was having one of those experiences of recycling some old experiences that I wish I had done differently, and in the midst of that, I found myself wondering if my Mom was proud of me. Since her passing, I often have feelings of her being present with me, and at that time, I felt an energetic more than verbal sense she was there, communicating “Yes, I am proud of you!”, and some healing balm washed over me.
I’m so raw that I noticed feeling detached, I couldn’t access much of myself or anything else. It was almost like I couldn’t connect the dots…my broken self being one of the dots. Then felt the enormity of the task ahead thinking, how could I possibly ever get to the other side of this? My body is both tense-contracted, just like I am this moment.
I have had a number of challenging incidents lately that have led me into a deep trance of unworthiness. This video allowed me to release and hold those stories with kindness and compassion instead of adding them to the weight baring debt of self-limiting stories.
Thank you very much for sharing . I felt cool sensations inside of me and all over my body. It great to pause and focus on self with kindness and compassion.
I really don’t judge myself for not being as accomplished or as motivated as my truly amazing friends. I’m different, and I’m okay with that. I think they’re okay with that too.
I had a hard time connecting with that feeling of unworthiness. Sometimes I feel it, but today, I only felt love for myself, for my body. However, I often do feel unworthy and incapable. Who am I to speak my truth to the world? Who really cares and who will want to listen? Why is God calling me? Why? and I DON”T Want this or I don’t want to.
I first felt a wave of emotion come over me. Felt like sadness and tears welled up in me. I felt the need to put my hand on my heart and offer myself kind compassion. As I sat with this kind attention the emotions eventually dissipated. Thank you for this reminder to continue practicing.
'JJ' Torres, Another Field, Panorama City, CA, USAsays
Thot, Maybe after 2nd time yesterday was good… But in doing Again now, In my search further today, I Found more. One more!
I was almost addicted to ‘Breakthroughs’. This is Definitely, a Gift from Jesus! And I Thank You, from the Bottom of my Heart❤! …
I ment that VERY SINCERELY!!!!!!!…..
The Bottom of my heart, sounds like you kissing the Butt of my heart.
It was clear. Initially I was carrying an energy of stress and anxiety right below my neck, above my heart. My intuition guided me to “caress” just moments before you guided us to offer care. Gently, the tight anxious energy smoothed, and dissipated. WOW!
There was a brief feeling of relief as if a lost part of myself was calling out to me: “Finally! Yes, more please”
Then I felt some tears welling up in my eyes, but they weren’t enough to fall down my cheeks.
It is so hard to just be with what is. What if the here-and-now is so far away from where we’d rather be? When we don’t know how exactly we have gotten where we are?
Or when we think that where we are right now is not enough. Not at all enough.
I am just, newly, for the first time in my life, and I am 80 years old, moving into a place of kindness, most clearly being shown unbelievable respect and kindness from others – largely undeserved, my critical self would say – to a new kind of friendliness and playful conversational bantering with others and enjoinment of oneness with them.
helpful and encouraging and uplifting
That maybe it is time to bring loving kindness to myself every day and to marvel at all that I am and what I could be!
I felt a deep sadness swell up in me… so much that it jetted out of my eyeballs with uncontrolled, leaking tears. I also felt compassion for some of my loved ones, witnessing in my minds’ eye the manifestation of their own trance of unworthiness’ in our connected lives together. When I added compassion to my awareness, I felt calm, at peace. The tears stopped immediately, my body calmed.
I can remember to count my good efforts and deeds when I remember to be my good friend.
I at first felt undeserving of compassion. After doing the breathing sequence, I cut myself some slack by acknowledging all I had been through recently. I lost my spouse 6 months ago. I have been through a pandemic. I lost my closest friend 3 months ago and my mother-in-law, then my closest Aunt 2 months ago. I had major surgery 6 weeks ago. Anyone would have been frustrated, sad, disorganized, and have changing moods through all of that. I have actually done very well considering all of that. I deserve compassion and the opportunity to care for myself.
An image came up for me of a crying baby. Bringing kindness to this experience, I realised the baby was me, 45 years ago. I picked her up immediately and soothed and comforted her. Tears came to my eyes.
Thank you for sharing. I felt a deep sense of mental agitation and anxiety. Physically I feel sluggish and disconnected.
When I ask if I can sit with this at first I said no, I feel self shame and a need to do instead of allowing myself to just be.
Then I discovered that it is “ok” to be in this place and not expect so much from myself at this time.
Bringing kindness was very good for me. Kindness is empowering. True kindness & compassion illuminate a bigger world & a bigger world.
I like being my own best friend. Why not?? I also like being gracious to me since I know there is a God who has my back. But this was far from easy for me. For many years I was my own worst enemy.
Living like that is a waste of time!! I love living in Canada because our seasons clearly change..As the world outside changes, I know I can change. Lets be kinder to ourselves & being kinder to others will be much more natural. Good news!!
Very good. Very encouraging, enlightening but empowering in the sense my beliefs affect m life.if I change my beliefs, I will change my life. Good news!!
When I asked the second question: can I stay with my emptiness, not knowing where I belong and what am I doing, a sense of liquid heart feeling came to me, lukewarm water in the heart and just a beginning of a tear that choosed not to drop at the end. I felt as if I was my own child looking for appreciation.
It made me smile with delight to actually see how my self hatred & fear is making my experience in the now uncomfortable and unpleasant
Thank you for this . Bringing compassion to the feelings of tension allowed the tensión to become less important somehow and then the feeling simply melted away
I related to many of the feelings you described relating to feelings of Self-Worth, and I have done significant work on them during my 7 decades on this planet. Perhaps the most important thing I have been learning is that I am not separate from my Co-Creator, Higher Power, Mother*Father God, whatever name you relate to best. I was raised Catholic, and despite many good things that brought into my life, it also brought in many things I have had to unlearn, and I feel I have made and continue making good headway. Recently I was having one of those experiences of recycling some old experiences that I wish I had done differently, and in the midst of that, I found myself wondering if my Mom was proud of me. Since her passing, I often have feelings of her being present with me, and at that time, I felt an energetic more than verbal sense she was there, communicating “Yes, I am proud of you!”, and some healing balm washed over me.
I’m so raw that I noticed feeling detached, I couldn’t access much of myself or anything else. It was almost like I couldn’t connect the dots…my broken self being one of the dots. Then felt the enormity of the task ahead thinking, how could I possibly ever get to the other side of this? My body is both tense-contracted, just like I am this moment.
I’m so hard on myself. I felt hope that maybe I could let some of that go
I came close to crying. I am so used to being mean to myself that the gentleness made me tear up a little.
I felt a reminder of all of my life’s mistakes. It made me feel like I had too much work to do to start feeling kindness toward myself.
I felt a softening in my heart and in my being when I brought kindness to my situation of hurt.
I have had a number of challenging incidents lately that have led me into a deep trance of unworthiness. This video allowed me to release and hold those stories with kindness and compassion instead of adding them to the weight baring debt of self-limiting stories.
I began feeling more relaxed.
Thank you for being so transparent.
It was difficult to direct kindness toward myself.
In general it is so much easier to have compassion for others.
I’m receiving 1 or 2 emails a day from you which is
filling up my inbox. Please stop sending so many emails. Thanks,
I noticed it was not easy to be kind to myself, yet I hope for kindness from others.
When I brought kindness to what I experienced I felt more space and started to smile.
I noticed a real tension in my abdomen. When I tried to focus on it it seemed to worsen which in turn made me feel more tense.
Thank you very much for sharing . I felt cool sensations inside of me and all over my body. It great to pause and focus on self with kindness and compassion.
I really don’t judge myself for not being as accomplished or as motivated as my truly amazing friends. I’m different, and I’m okay with that. I think they’re okay with that too.
I had a hard time connecting with that feeling of unworthiness. Sometimes I feel it, but today, I only felt love for myself, for my body. However, I often do feel unworthy and incapable. Who am I to speak my truth to the world? Who really cares and who will want to listen? Why is God calling me? Why? and I DON”T Want this or I don’t want to.
I felt a sense of calm and acceptance, also I was focused on the location of the sensations I was feeling.
I felt a sense of clam and acceptance, also a focus and clarity on the location of the feeling I was having.
My chest softened
I first felt a wave of emotion come over me. Felt like sadness and tears welled up in me. I felt the need to put my hand on my heart and offer myself kind compassion. As I sat with this kind attention the emotions eventually dissipated. Thank you for this reminder to continue practicing.
I got sad
Thot, Maybe after 2nd time yesterday was good… But in doing Again now, In my search further today, I Found more. One more!
I was almost addicted to ‘Breakthroughs’. This is Definitely, a Gift from Jesus! And I Thank You, from the Bottom of my Heart❤! …
I ment that VERY SINCERELY!!!!!!!…..
The Bottom of my heart, sounds like you kissing the Butt of my heart.
I remembered, and realized how easy it is to forget.
I was thinking: u-oh… there’s something I want to be getting on with but I want to listen to this too! Smiled at myself.
It was clear. Initially I was carrying an energy of stress and anxiety right below my neck, above my heart. My intuition guided me to “caress” just moments before you guided us to offer care. Gently, the tight anxious energy smoothed, and dissipated. WOW!
My throat was not so tight.
I felt the warmth of my heart
There was a brief feeling of relief as if a lost part of myself was calling out to me: “Finally! Yes, more please”
Then I felt some tears welling up in my eyes, but they weren’t enough to fall down my cheeks.
It is so hard to just be with what is. What if the here-and-now is so far away from where we’d rather be? When we don’t know how exactly we have gotten where we are?
Or when we think that where we are right now is not enough. Not at all enough.