Thank you for your series. So many thought provoking ideas. I am a physiotherapist and mum of an autistic child. I’ve heard of Stephen Porges theories but today was the first (but not last) time I’ve heard from him.
So many thoughts about applications of his ideas in pain populations and those with Dysautonomia. I particularly love the concept of Neuroception- What does our body detect in evaluating their environment, is it safe? I look forward to learning more.
Have loved this series. Used it straight away this week with clients and will continue in the future. It gave me evidence from research for some of my own hunches and exercises that I offer to clients as well as tons of new stuff. Many thanks. Shelagh, Edinburgh, Scotland
What a fabulous webinar with Dr. Porges! Thanks so much for interviewing him and for Ron and Dr. Ruth and their talkback session! I was struck by how complex the polyvagal theory is and how important it will be for all counselors to learn brain science in grad school! As a licensed professional counselor, I especially liked hearing about autism and BPD seen through the lens of polyvagal. Thanks again!
As I deal with Zoom, I thoroughly enjoy the information, but as you all speak of safety I feel threatened just in the Zoom process entirely for no apparent reason. I must believe it has a lot to do with Zoom setup. Zoom meetings are just do not help me feel safe or in anyway meeting the needs of a client. I realize, I am more upset at the systems regarding this process because it is so foreign, so against the whole process of the Polyvagal theory. This is the state of the world which I see it in my clients more lately with the masks,
As our weather now affects them at this time. Seasonal affective disorder has almost seemed to push them over the threshold and it is just now beginning the season. And now a new worry if I have to continue to use zoom meetings to connect with all these brilliant speakers or lose my connection to my profession. Everyone is doing the best they can but maybe in my next life I will appreciate this new state of the world but now it is worrisome. SSP is not functioning well as people disengage with the human to human contact. I seriously need to take a step back and hope safety links grow more efficient.
Just the daily sabotage of the internet makes life more viable to connect with others in the world, it also terrifies me personally. I hear this daily from clients for multiple reasons. I realize this is not the point of this webinar to address these new forms of connection, but the challenge still remains. The webinar is to address trauma, while there are millions of people in trauma watching. I wonder how this helps their nervous system in healthy ways, my self included. Know reclusing is beginning to surface with trauma victims. Reaching out lately has been because I do not do zoom. Safely meeting as our field has always done in my Rogerian method of connecting with clients for decades is still the preferred way to help on their personal level.
Wish the NICABM would address this is the best fashion of Polyvagal theory instead of going with the flow. I do not have the answers but to speak to my whole body locking up with hearing these wonderful speakers and know I feel significantly “thwarted within my body,” as was discussed a few weeks ago by Bill Hanlon. Help would be wonderful just to acknowledge this among my fellow clinicians since quarantining is not over, still a threatens our existence when our own country has now joined the terror that other countries know all too well just from their historical proximity.
We are a young country and it feels this way, as if we are all still children that recently had horror brought into our daily existence and not one seems to care anymore. While I know this it not true, it still feels that way and I am terrified for all the children in this new life. Recently clients of the past generation are recalling how obscene and dark they felt when exposed to the internet for the first time, how that warped their minds drastically while parents had not realized the damage of this internet system was growing. It is pervasive even more so it just this wonderful way you all can communicate with us while I am sure some are sitting in object fear as they learn about fear.
Thanks for all the work you do. Hope some day this world gains as we learn new ways to deal with fear/trauma. Zoom seems to be an answer but not to this trauma victim.
Thank you for your series. So many thought provoking ideas. I am a physiotherapist and mum of an autistic child. I’ve heard of Stephen Porges theories but today was the first (but not last) time I’ve heard from him.
So many thoughts about applications of his ideas in pain populations and those with Dysautonomia. I particularly love the concept of Neuroception- What does our body detect in evaluating their environment, is it safe? I look forward to learning more.
Have loved this series. Used it straight away this week with clients and will continue in the future. It gave me evidence from research for some of my own hunches and exercises that I offer to clients as well as tons of new stuff. Many thanks. Shelagh, Edinburgh, Scotland
What a fabulous webinar with Dr. Porges! Thanks so much for interviewing him and for Ron and Dr. Ruth and their talkback session! I was struck by how complex the polyvagal theory is and how important it will be for all counselors to learn brain science in grad school! As a licensed professional counselor, I especially liked hearing about autism and BPD seen through the lens of polyvagal. Thanks again!
I find all this information very helpful in understanding why I have always been overly expressionistic.
As I deal with Zoom, I thoroughly enjoy the information, but as you all speak of safety I feel threatened just in the Zoom process entirely for no apparent reason. I must believe it has a lot to do with Zoom setup. Zoom meetings are just do not help me feel safe or in anyway meeting the needs of a client. I realize, I am more upset at the systems regarding this process because it is so foreign, so against the whole process of the Polyvagal theory. This is the state of the world which I see it in my clients more lately with the masks,
As our weather now affects them at this time. Seasonal affective disorder has almost seemed to push them over the threshold and it is just now beginning the season. And now a new worry if I have to continue to use zoom meetings to connect with all these brilliant speakers or lose my connection to my profession. Everyone is doing the best they can but maybe in my next life I will appreciate this new state of the world but now it is worrisome. SSP is not functioning well as people disengage with the human to human contact. I seriously need to take a step back and hope safety links grow more efficient.
Just the daily sabotage of the internet makes life more viable to connect with others in the world, it also terrifies me personally. I hear this daily from clients for multiple reasons. I realize this is not the point of this webinar to address these new forms of connection, but the challenge still remains. The webinar is to address trauma, while there are millions of people in trauma watching. I wonder how this helps their nervous system in healthy ways, my self included. Know reclusing is beginning to surface with trauma victims. Reaching out lately has been because I do not do zoom. Safely meeting as our field has always done in my Rogerian method of connecting with clients for decades is still the preferred way to help on their personal level.
Wish the NICABM would address this is the best fashion of Polyvagal theory instead of going with the flow. I do not have the answers but to speak to my whole body locking up with hearing these wonderful speakers and know I feel significantly “thwarted within my body,” as was discussed a few weeks ago by Bill Hanlon. Help would be wonderful just to acknowledge this among my fellow clinicians since quarantining is not over, still a threatens our existence when our own country has now joined the terror that other countries know all too well just from their historical proximity.
We are a young country and it feels this way, as if we are all still children that recently had horror brought into our daily existence and not one seems to care anymore. While I know this it not true, it still feels that way and I am terrified for all the children in this new life. Recently clients of the past generation are recalling how obscene and dark they felt when exposed to the internet for the first time, how that warped their minds drastically while parents had not realized the damage of this internet system was growing. It is pervasive even more so it just this wonderful way you all can communicate with us while I am sure some are sitting in object fear as they learn about fear.
Thanks for all the work you do. Hope some day this world gains as we learn new ways to deal with fear/trauma. Zoom seems to be an answer but not to this trauma victim.
Thank you very much. i would appreciate captions.
Will need more learning exposure to absorb and comprehend the structure and function of brain system.