Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Author of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Pat Ogden, PhD
Pioneer in Somatic Psychology; Founder and Director of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI)

Stephen Porges, PhD
Leading expert on Polyvagal Theory; Distinguished University Scientist at the Kinsey Institute

Tara Brach, PhD
Founder of the Insight Meditation Community in Washington, DC; Author of True Refuge

People constantly compare themselves against messages they receive from friends, family, media, and our culture. And those messages[…]

Could trauma’s impact be passed along genetically from one generation to the next? For years, Rachel Yehuda, PhD has been studying[…]

When we’re working with clients who have experienced trauma, targeting the limbic system can make our interventions more effective[…]

When a person’s thoughts start to stray, they can tend to go in one of two directions. Sometimes people find themselves dreaming of an[…]

What helps with anxiety? Anxiety disorders represent the most common mental disorders experienced by Americans[…]

Depression can rob our clients of the full, thriving lives we all hope for. And so often, a depressed client will avoid the very people, places[…]

How Love Transforms the Brain
With Norman Doidge, MD, PhD, Joan Borysenko, PhD & Bill O’Hanlon, MS, LMFT.

How to Introduce Mindfulness to Clients with Diverse Beliefs and Backgrounds
With Ronald Siegel, PsyD